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Devin Harris on Al Jefferson: Jazz fans will be surprised if they see him


Active Member
From Brian T Smith on twitter:

Jazz's Devin Harris said that Al Jefferson has been "working his butt off" since the offseason started. Harris said that Jefferson has ...
dropped noticeable weight and is excellent shape. He worked out with Jefferson in Santa Barbara, then ran into him about two weeks ago.
Harris said that Jazz fans will be very surprised if they saw Jefferson right now.
Good to hear. He was fat last year and that along with learning the system was one of his issues. A stronger Al Jefferson with a year under his belt learning the system should be a lot better. Even if that system is tweaked a bit by Ty. That's not to say he was awful last season. I just think he could be better. If Favors does keep developing then we could really sell high on Al if that is our desire.
Good to hear. He was fat last year and that along with learning the system was one of his issues. A stronger Al Jefferson with a year under his belt learning the system should be a lot better. Even if that system is tweaked a bit by Ty. That's not to say he was awful last season. I just think he could be better. If Favors does keep developing then we could really sell high on Al if that is our desire.


Also a in shape Big Al should be able to improve his help D and rebounding.
I wish I was naive enough to believe this. Every off-season, you read stories about players working harder than ever, putting on weight they need, losing weight they don't, improving holes in their game, etc, etc. Vast majority of them show absolutely no effect of any of that once the season start.

Come to think of it, I've never heard anyone say "Oh, this off-season, I've been eating Krispy Kream donuts, hanging out at the local pub. I've managed to get fat, lazy, and out of shape. Oh, and my jumper still makes everyone cringe because I've done jack-all to improve it." And yet it happens all the time.
It doesn't matter how good of shape he's in as long as he never boxes out and always chucks up that stupid shotput shot that never goes in.
I wish I was naive enough to believe this. Every off-season, you read stories about players working harder than ever, putting on weight they need, losing weight they don't, improving holes in their game, etc, etc. Vast majority of them show absolutely no effect of any of that once the season start.

Come to think of it, I've never heard anyone say "Oh, this off-season, I've been eating Krispy Kream donuts, hanging out at the local pub. I've managed to get fat, lazy, and out of shape. Oh, and my jumper still makes everyone cringe because I've done jack-all to improve it." And yet it happens all the time.

Yeah, I'm having this sort of pessimism too. That being said I do hope to see some improvement just with him being in the system for a year, though I wonder how much the system is going to change with the first real season of Ty.

If we have a damn season.
Also, I heard CJ Miles has been hitting in the gym everyday. He is much stronger, and there are whispers that he is in "Kobe shape".
I wish I was naive enough to believe this. Every off-season, you read stories about players working harder than ever, putting on weight they need, losing weight they don't, improving holes in their game, etc, etc. Vast majority of them show absolutely no effect of any of that once the season start.

Come to think of it, I've never heard anyone say "Oh, this off-season, I've been eating Krispy Kream donuts, hanging out at the local pub. I've managed to get fat, lazy, and out of shape. Oh, and my jumper still makes everyone cringe because I've done jack-all to improve it." And yet it happens all the time.

Les Nessman, I don't know you 'round these parts but I love you already. Carry on.
That said, if he did get into great shape, he now has the fall and winter to bundle up and eat a bunch of down south comfort food.
This lockout depresses me even more every passing day.
if working out would be enough, arnold schwarzenegger would be a basketball player too
when he was 260 pounds he said that it was to less and he was pushing by others centers.
O'connor gave him permission to weigh around 280,
Well it apparently was enough when Kanter had 5% of body fat.


Sepanol's vehement pessimism of Al Jefferson is so obviously related with him wanting Kanter to get 30 minutes next season, its laughable. Don't come into this forum rooting for just your countrymen. If you truly strive for the success of this team as a whole, you'd either meet this news warmly if your naive (like me; though for some reason hearing of AlJeff working out seems more realistic, since I didn't hear anything of the sort last offseason) or being pessimistic (maybe smarter) , like some of the soulless longtime Jazzfans we have here. But don't post here, acting as if working out has absolutely no benefit to the guy, and he will always be a scrub no matter what. Im sure if there were reports of Kanter working out you'd probably be giving all of us lectures on how he has the best work ethic since Karl Malone.