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Devin Harris showed a lot of heart tonight.

Craig K. Manscill

Well-Known Member
He TRIED to play through his injury. The guy just doesn't have a tough enough body. Here's to Devin Harris, trying to help the Jazz win the game, but possibly injuring himself even worse in the process.

- Craig
Hopefully this is nothing serious... He is very very good at getting to the line and he got fouled on that last play.
Harris could get sucker punched in the dick right in front of Dick and he wouldn't get a ****ing call. Hard to win when the most obvious of fouls goes no call. Dude gets shafted as much as any player I've seen. He's tearing up his body without receiving the benefit that should come from laying it all out.

It's gonna be a long season next year.
Hopefully this is nothing serious... He is very very good at getting to the line and he got fouled on that last play.

That was a rather unbearable no-call, especially considering some of the down-the-stretch fouls called against the Jazz this season. Ridiculous.
He got Some amechi in him is word on the street or atleast it was when he played in madison

I said you set a new low in a different thread...then I read this thread. You're on a serious roll, bro.