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Dexter Finale


Well-Known Member
It looks like Dexter is alone again. Not a big crazy ending like last season but it leaves some interesting stories for next season. Im pretty sure Quinn knows that Dexter killed Liddie. So what did you all think of of the finale?

Also it looks like the real Dexter will be alone in real life. As TMZ is reporting his wife who also plays his sister in Dexter is filing for divorce. That should be an interesting set next season.
I thought it was weak sauce. The series has always played off the idea of a Dexter/Deb showdown at some point and they ruined it with her going soft and letting them walk. We now know Deb will be ok with what Dexter does, or at least not shoot him in the head. With that dynamic gone, I'm not sure what's left for the series. You can only have so many serial killers and rapists pop up in Miami.
I thought it was weak sauce. The series has always played off the idea of a Dexter/Deb showdown at some point and they ruined it with her going soft and letting them walk. We now know Deb will be ok with what Dexter does, or at least not shoot him in the head. With that dynamic gone, I'm not sure what's left for the series. You can only have so many serial killers and rapists pop up in Miami.

I agree, the series makes Miami look like Gotham City on drugs.
I thought it was weak sauce. The series has always played off the idea of a Dexter/Deb showdown at some point and they ruined it with her going soft and letting them walk. We now know Deb will be ok with what Dexter does, or at least not shoot him in the head. With that dynamic gone, I'm not sure what's left for the series. You can only have so many serial killers and rapists pop up in Miami.

You're right, she'll be totally cool with it...if there's another DVD set of gang rapes involved. I, for one, am glad Lumen is gone. Never much liked her, especially not as a romantic interest.
I liked this seasons Dexter, although it wasn't my favorite, but solid nonetheless. The finale was intense and had me on the edge of my seat wondering how things would play out. However, although it had a lot of things going on, the finale ultimately played out like a regular season show. I like the idea of Lumen's character, but I don't like the actress, so I'm glad she's gone. We all know Dexter will be chasing new tail next season. I hope the writers move Dexter from Miami to somewhere else like CA, NY, TX, etc, because too much **** is going on in Miami and there's too many coincidences happening to make the show believable. Dexter is the ultimate bad-a and I love watching his character slowly change and evolve. Simply, the show is fun to watch. Sometimes I just take a step back and realize how everyone has this moral vigilante judgment inside us and how it gets us to cheer for something that may not be ethical, but has a good cause. The same reason why I like Breaking Bad.

*I'm anticipating kicky's smug remarks on how bad the show is and something that myself and beantown like can only be garbage.
The finale was disappointing.

Plot holes that I didn't get:
A) How did Quinn get cleared in Liddy's murder? The blood on his shoe was not the only evidence against him (fingerprints, checked out equipment in his name, phone records to Liddy). Did they just blame it on Jordan?
B) How did Dexter just happen to hide a 10 inch knife out of Jordan's view and not hurt himself after Jordan ties him up and then kicks him down the stairs.
C) How did Deb solve the barrel girls case if Jordan was still "missing"? I guess they assumed it was Jordan because that place was the same place in the videos of the gang rapes? Not explained very well and then wouldn't they investigate who is knocking off the rapists/killers rather than just calling it solved?
D) What ever happened with the Trinity investigation? I guess they just gave up on that for no apparent reason?
E) The stolen car Dexter wrecks... whatever happened with that? Surely they had to find that.
F) Deb's bullet from when she fires the warning shot at Dexter & Lumen.... Nothing?
G) Not really a plot hole but kind of dumb is how Lumen just leaves at the end with really as no big deal. 2 minutes to clear it up. Where did she go? Did she go back to her family?

Dexter is usually better at cleaning up the loose ends. But the end of this season seemed rushed and incomplete. It was a very good season until the end.
Not a great finale or season in general, I'm not a Julia Stiles fan, weakest guest star they have had.

I'm hoping that next season they will make it better, I think killing Rita might have ruined the show though.
I have to agree with a lot of people who didn't necessarily like the finale or the season for that matter. Julia Styles is terrible to begin with. Her playing a major role in this season had me very skeptical that I would enjoy it. The finale was very blah.
With the break up of the show's two biggest stars in real life....things could get real interesting on the set....off camera.
I actually think Archie's idea of moving Dexter to a new city would be a good way to keep things fresh. The supporting cast is getting boring. Most of them are flat-out unlikeable. In a way, it's too bad they didn't get divorced early on in the season -- the writers could have used the Lumen thing to trigger a move, or they could have actually been badass and had Deb pull back that plastic sheet. I was actually surprised they didn't -- the Dexter writers usually try to go for the unexpected event, and that Deb tension has been hovering there for a long time.

In any event, I enjoyed this season a great deal; it felt heavily like a Burke novel, which is a good thing. (That's Vachss, not James Lee, for those of you who like crime novels.) I liked Lumen.

Next season really needs to pit Dexter and Deb against each other. It's time, for so many reasons...
The finale was disappointing.

Plot holes that I didn't get:
A) How did Quinn get cleared in Liddy's murder? The blood on his shoe was not the only evidence against him (fingerprints, checked out equipment in his name, phone records to Liddy). Did they just blame it on Jordan?
B) How did Dexter just happen to hide a 10 inch knife out of Jordan's view and not hurt himself after Jordan ties him up and then kicks him down the stairs.
C) How did Deb solve the barrel girls case if Jordan was still "missing"? I guess they assumed it was Jordan because that place was the same place in the videos of the gang rapes? Not explained very well and then wouldn't they investigate who is knocking off the rapists/killers rather than just calling it solved?
D) What ever happened with the Trinity investigation? I guess they just gave up on that for no apparent reason?
E) The stolen car Dexter wrecks... whatever happened with that? Surely they had to find that.
F) Deb's bullet from when she fires the warning shot at Dexter & Lumen.... Nothing?
G) Not really a plot hole but kind of dumb is how Lumen just leaves at the end with really as no big deal. 2 minutes to clear it up. Where did she go? Did she go back to her family?

Dexter is usually better at cleaning up the loose ends. But the end of this season seemed rushed and incomplete. It was a very good season until the end.

I agree with all of this.
NYC would be a great setting for Dexter. They could almost go in a whole new direction with him there.

I was reading an article about how that some of the original writers were not there for this season. I did think the writing did feel a bit "off". It seemed less dark and a lot more "cheesy" lines and scenes.
Was it me, or was Vince missing a lot this season too...hes a funny guy he should be in it more.

I really like the idea of moving somewhere else...unfortunately if he does Deb is going with him.