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Did Michael Bennet lie??


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I can't embed a link at the moment but I just read an article by Clay Travis on his Outkick The Coverage site and he puts Bennett on blast, calls him out as a flat out liar, and goes through the possible evidence to defend his claim.

Some of the tidbits:

-Bennett claims that he was fleeing the sounds of gunshots and was stopped by police for being black. Travis points out that there is video footage of police entering a casino with guns drawn as they respond to a possible active shooter call. Travis states that as police make their way through the casino, Bennett can be seen on video crouching behind some slot machines, appearing to try and hide from police. To be fair, that's an assumption as I could see it entirely possible that he was trying to hide from a potential shooter. Either way, at some point Bennett decides to run, police allegedly ask him to stop, he doesn't, and at this point police chase him.

-It's pointed out that on the casino footage, most of the people trying to get out of there were black. Travis then states that if police were looking to detain a black person just for the sake of doing so, they had plenty of opportunity.

-After Bennett is caught by police, there's cell phone footage with audio, capturing the interaction of Bennett and the cops. Travis points out that there's nothing said by the cops that matches up with Bennett's statement. Perhaps the threats were made before the cell phone footage began?

-As far as a gun being held to Bennett's head, nothing like that happens on the cell phone video and Travis states that the weapon in the policeman's hand appears to be a taser. He then conceeds that it might be a gun, but points out that the police already had guns drawn as they entered the casino so it wouldn't be unusual if guns were still drawn by the time they caught Bennett.

I don't know enough about Clay Travis to know if he has an agenda behind this article but I did find it a very interesting read and thanks to the fact that there is video footage in the casino as well as of the apprehension of Bennett, it is starting to make me question just exactly went on during this incident.
Clay Travis has a HUGE agenda.

I'll look into him more, but regardless of his agenda, I think at the very least it's fair to say that the casino and cell phone footage don't 100% line up with Bennett's statement. Agenda or not, Clay Travis didn't get to doctor up the footage.

Fwiw, I'm not saying Michael Bennett lied and I'm not saying he didn't. Whatever the outcome is, hopefully the truth prevails.
Cops in this country lost the benefit of the doubt a loooong time ago.

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I can definitely see that logic, but here's where I have a moral struggle: Is it right to hate/distrust/vilify a large group of people based off the actions of only a segment of that group? In looking at the two separate videos in the Bennett incident, shouldn't we be able to at least question what may be inconsistencies in his story without being lumped in as racist or sympathetic to the plight of cops that use excessive force?

The whole thing is just ****ed. Now that we've seen the videos, I'd like to ask Michael Bennett why he's crouching down hiding when he can obviously see the cops. I'd like to ask him why he felt the need to run from them when he was literally among hundreds of black people. He had done nothing wrong, was in a public place with hundreds of witnesses, and still chose to run from the cops and then keep running when they tell him to stop. I could totally understand him running if the situation were different, but it just seems to be a really stupid *** decision on his part.

And for the love of god I'd like to ask that cop why his body camera was off. It's so maddening that after everything this country has been through these last few years, we still have cops using excessive force, killing innocent people, turning off body cameras, and saying stupid racist **** while they know their dash/body cams are rolling.