I like how 32% is the number I got to by being cartoonishly generous, and you immediately took it as fact when it's probably closer to half-that value with more realistic %'s.. And that was only the odds of the player being drafted with our theoretical 4th-5th pick being a lot better than the guy we draft with a 9th-10th pick.
If you change that to instead be the odds of the Jazz drafting a player with the 4th-5th pick that "changes the trajectory of the franchise", which by that I assume you mean a superstar, then we're really getting small.
20% (Going to be more realistic now): Kessler by himself improving our win total enough to move us from 4th-5th worst to 9th-10th worst
79.8%: The Jazz not jumping up in the lottery
20% (Probably being generous, but let's just boost it for the hell of it): The Jazz not drafting a superstar in the 9th-10th spot, whereas they would have drafted a superstar with the 4th-5th pick.
20% x 79.8% x 20% = 3.2%
Trade Walker for that 3.2% boost.