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Donald is about to go through some things...

He was battling against the process set in motion by losing the election. He was trying to stop the process too, which you can argue was a crime, but it isn't insurrection.
He helped plan and incite an attack on Congress, which is a civil authority, not a process.
The insurrection was done by his followers. Against the government.
Not according to all of law enforcement bringing charges against literally hundreds of defendants. The crime J6 defendants were charged with is obstruction for the reasons I've stated over and over and over. You can think all of law enforcement were too dumb to realize that it was insurrection or maybe you could be humble enough to admit that you are not a lawyer while those making the charging decisions were lawyers and they might know a thing you don't.
He helped plan and incite an attack on Congress, which is a civil authority, not a process.
Congress is a civil authority but now you have to prove Trump's intentions were to attack Congress rather than efforts to stop a process Congress was carrying out.
Congress is a civil authority but now you have to prove Trump's intentions were to attack Congress rather than efforts to stop a process Congress was carrying out.
I agree, and Smith seems to have evidence of this, to my understanding. Also, it's not "rather than", it's "to enact".
Not according to all of law enforcement bringing charges against literally hundreds of defendants. The crime J6 defendants were charged with is obstruction for the reasons I've stated over and over and over. You can think all of law enforcement were too dumb to realize that it was insurrection or maybe you could be humble enough to admit that you are not a lawyer while those making the charging decisions were lawyers and they might know a thing you don't.

Ya multiple people were charged with seditious conspiracy which is different than obstruction but very similar to insurrection.

Seditious conspiracy: It is a federal crime found in Section 2384 of Title 18 of the United States code. That law makes it a crime for two or more people to actively plot to overthrow by force the federal government, to levy war against it, to unlawfully seize federal property or “by force to prevent, hinder or delay the execution of any law of the United States.” A conviction carries a sentence of up to 20 years in prison.

I know at least one of those magas from that day got sentenced to over 20 years. You love to downplay that day but again, you trumpers are weird like that

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Ya multiple people were charged with seditious conspiracy which is different than obstruction but very similar to insurrection.
Not that it matters because the Fourteenth Amendment issue is related to insurrection rather than offences someone thinks very similar to insurrection but I'm genuinely curious as to the metrics you are using to rate the similarity of those two different crimes.
If a President determines that there was voter fraud (or any other domestic threat against the federal government), arguably he/she should be immune from prosecution for protecting the country for trying to protect against it. It is hard to say what was in the head of this doofus, but there seems to be a lot of evidence that he knew or should have reasonably known that little to no verified voter fraud existed.

I get tired of dealing with politics during an election cycle, but the divisiveness Trump has caused has just made me tired.

Biden seems to have lost his marbles due to age (not a knock on the guy, he's old) and Trump seems to have defective marbles upstairs. I think Trump may be the only person alive that could fail an IQ test.
Not that it matters because the Fourteenth Amendment issue is related to insurrection rather than offences someone thinks very similar to insurrection but I'm genuinely curious as to the metrics you are using to rate the similarity of those two different crimes.
This is America! We don't use the metric system here!
Not that it matters because the Fourteenth Amendment issue is related to insurrection rather than offences someone thinks very similar to insurrection but I'm genuinely curious as to the metrics you are using to rate the similarity of those two different crimes.

Read the definition that was provided in the post you quoted.

That law makes it a crime for two or more people to actively plot to overthrow by force the federal government, to levy war against it.

Seems kinda insurrectiony to me.

Actually kinda seems worse.

I guess we should be cool with someone plotting to overthrow the US government by force and/or levy war against the US government.

And then elect that person(s) to run the government afterwards.

How stupid is that?

Might as well go ahead and elect people like Osama bin laden as president of the US if we are cool with electing candidates that plotted to overthrow the government by force and levy war against our government.

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Attorneys for Trump this week argued that presidential immunity means a president can’t be prosecuted unless impeached and convicted first ― even in a case such as ordering the assassination of a political rival.

Alyssa Farah Griffin, who served as White House communications director under Donald Trump,
called that claim “scary” when it comes to Trump.

“The problem is with Trump this isn’t super outside of the realm of possibility that we would be in a scenario like that,” she said on Wednesday’s show, then elaborated: “When he was told his VP had to be evacuated from the Capitol for his own safety, he said, basically, ‘So what?’ Then he said he deserved it when there were ‘Hang Mike Pence’ signs. He alluded to Gen. Milley should be executed. He, in a meeting I was in in the Oval Office with a dozen other staffers, said that an aide should be executed for leaking something negative about him.”
“So this is a man who will push kind of every boundary that’s out there,” she said.

“Right before I resigned, I was in an Oval Office meeting with a dozen other staffers, and somebody had, he thinks, leaked a story about him going to the bunker during the George Floyd protests,” she said. “And he said, ‘Whoever did that should be executed.’”

Trump is the worst
Another day....... https://www.yahoo.com/news/jamie-raskin-asks-donald-trump-143023454.html

“I write today to demand that you immediately return to the American people the $7,886,072 that we know you have accepted from foreign governments in violation of the U.S. Constitution’s Foreign Emoluments Clause — a fact you admitted, once again, at a Fox News town hall this week,” Raskin wrote in the letter addressed to Trump.

Trump admitted that foreign governments paid his Trump Organization millions of dollars for hotel stays during a Fox News town hall in Iowa on Wednesday.

“If I have a hotel and somebody comes in from China, that’s a small amount of money and it sounds like a lot of money,” Trump said. “That’s a small [amount of money], but I was doing services for that.”

After becoming president, Trump refused to divest from his business empire of hotels, real estate, golf courses and resorts and maintained control through a revocable trust led by his sons Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump. During his presidency, those businesses received $7.8 million in payments from foreign governments, according to a report released by Raskin and House Oversight Committee Democrats on Jan. 3.

Those payments violated the Constitution’s Foreign Emoluments Clause forbidding officers of the United States from receiving anything of value from a foreign government without consent from Congress, according to Raskin.

During one portion of his rant, Trump referred to a key allegation in James’ lawsuit alleging that the former president’s Trump Tower penthouse was valued at three times larger than it actually is.

"They made a mistake. It was an honest mistake," Trump said.

James’ team allowed Trump to speak until the judge ultimately shut him down and pleaded for Kise to “control your client.”

“There may be a reason that James' staff didn't interrupt,” wrote NBC News legal analyst Lisa Rubin. “The AG’s office may have struck gold because some of what Trump said was so damaging to him, especially his explanation of the triplex square footage ‘error.’”

Former New York prosecutor Charles Coleman Jr. agreed that Trump “hurt himself” with the outburst.

"I think that what he was trying to do was force the judge into a position where, by denying him an opportunity to speak, he would have created an issue for appeal for himself,” he told MSNBC on Friday.

"Judge Engoron basically gave him the rope, and he hung himself, predictably," he continued. "What he ended up doing was creating a space where this is one less thing that becomes an appealable issue in the long run for an appeal. That he might be able to go back and say, 'Look, I was treated unfairly and my rights were abridged in some way, shape, form or fashion.'"

Former federal prosecutor Kristy Greenberg, who was in the courtroom, told CNN she was stunned to “see somebody have so much disrespect” for the judge and the court. (im not. we are talking about trump here)

"The attacks on — the personal attacks on the judge — this is a judge who had a bomb threat this morning. That's why the amount of security that was in the courthouse was unlike anything I have seen. and I have been other days when various Trump family members have testified, and this was heightened. They were very concerned about threats,” she said.

"I'm waiting for the judge to tell him 'You're done and if you continue you'll be held in contempt!'” she added. "That's what happened to me and any other lawyers happening in courts and it was not done."
DeSantis has gone woke! LOL! Hes currently disparaging The monster that helped to create him because it continues to sustain the ultimate monster, Trump. It’s just so funny to see republicans one by one admit that we were right all along.

For years we knew that “law and order” and “welfare reform” were dog whistles. We knew that the “religious freedom” nonsense was just code for keeping the LGBT community down. We knew that “pro life” was really just code for taking women’s rights away. They were never actually for life. And we knew that stuff like “fiscal responsibility and tough foreign policy” didn’t actually motivate the base. And now we have Ron Ron whining about the bias of the right wing propaganda apparatus in this country.

I just wished he had cared about this before he got his *** handed to him in a primary.

View: https://x.com/intelligencer/status/1745912469107638776?s=46&t=QT7YFlZ_IlHq81PpZAhKgw

View: https://x.com/atrupar/status/1745878296410112078?s=46&t=QT7YFlZ_IlHq81PpZAhKgw
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A judge in New York has ordered former President Donald Trump to pay nearly $400,000 to cover The New York Times' legal fees from a now-dismissed lawsuit he brought against the paper, three of its reporters and his niece.

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"I love studying the uuuhh if you take a look at the wars...I don't know what it is...the civil war it was so fascinating, so horrible. It was so horrible but so fascinating...it was aahh... I don't know...it was just different. I just find it..I'm so attracted to....seeing it...so many mistakes were made. See there's something, I think I would have been negotiating to be honest with you.. I think you could have negotiated that. All the people died..so many people died. You know that was a disaster...If you got hit with a bullet in the leg, you are essentially going to die or lose the leg. That's why we have so many people with no legs no arms... if you got hit in the arm or the leg it meant you were because...the infection, gang green. It was just such a.... sort of a horrible time but that how I was thinking to myself cause I was reading something and I think this is something that could have been negotiated, you know? If we didn't have the civil war, you'd never know who Abraham Lincoln was. He'd still be president but...."
"I love studying the uuuhh if you take a look at the wars...I don't know what it is...the civil war it was so fascinating, so horrible. It was so horrible but so fascinating...it was aahh... I don't know...it was just different. I just find it..I'm so attracted to....seeing it...so many mistakes were made. See there's something, I think I would have been negotiating to be honest with you.. I think you could have negotiated that. All the people died..so many people died. You know that was a disaster...If you got hit with a bullet in the leg, you are essentially going to die or lose the leg. That's why we have so many people with no legs no arms... if you got hit in the arm or the leg it meant you were because...the infection, gang green. It was just such a.... sort of a horrible time but that how I was thinking to myself cause I was reading something and I think this is something that could have been negotiated, you know? If we didn't have the civil war, you'd never know who Abraham Lincoln was. He'd still be president but...."
He is stupid

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We just need to understand his supporters better, you know? They’re economically anxious or feel like the culture has gotten away from them. We just need to understand these people better. They’re the forgotten man. And if only we understand them better…

View: https://x.com/rpsagainsttrump/status/1746622760585941430?s=46&t=QT7YFlZ_IlHq81PpZAhKgw

“We need a dictator.”


“81 percent AGREE with the Mein Kampf like statement that immigrants are poisoning the blood of the country”


“55 percent AGREE that Trump should get revenge on his political opponents if he wins the election.”

And yet, all of us are charged to be more tolerant more understanding of the worst people and most deluded in our society??!
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