What's new

Donald Trump is the 45th President of the United States.

Trump will initially have worse relations with several nations and groups. Like China, NATO, Japan, M.E.

What happens after that depends on what he does. But no one really knows what he will do.
Maybe with Russia and north Korea.

It would be terrible to have better relations with the most volatile and unpredictable nations. We wouldn't want to have any kind of calming effect on them or anything.
I'm encouraged by the fact that Trump didn't talk about putting Hillary in prison during his acceptance speech.

He came across as humble and gracious. Very good start. I'll give him credit where due.
So begins the reign of Joffrey Baratheon, first of his name...

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America made its choice. The time for choosing is over. We'll live or die with the results. What power most of us had is now gone. Now is the time for those who have power to choose for us, since, "The strong do what they can, and the weak suffer what they must."

Im curious to see if he will build the wall, deport any significant number of illegals, or get rid of NAFTA or any trade agreements(im ok with that).

Will he satisfy his base?

I predict he will hardly do anything he said he would, and blame it on everyone else including his own party.
Most loopholes are motivational tools to get rich people to spend their money the way "smart" people have decided it's best for all of us for those rich people to spend their money.
What power would any government have without the support of normal people that have no concrete reason to defend them but somehow feel like they have to...
These have been going up across Los Angeles. Just getting rid of Dunham alone would probably increase property values by 20% in whatever area she lives in:





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Im curious to see if he will build the wall, deport any significant number of illegals, or get rid of NAFTA or any trade agreements(im ok with that).

Will he satisfy his base?

I predict he will hardly do anything he said he would, and blame it on everyone else including his own party.

Sounds about right.
Im curious to see if he will build the wall, deport any significant number of illegals, or get rid of NAFTA or any trade agreements(im ok with that).

Will he satisfy his base?

I predict he will hardly do anything he said he would, and blame it on everyone else including his own party.

He strikes me as more of a liar than a blamer. I think he would just claim he never said anything that he intends not to do.

And there is no way in hell a wall gets built. Simply from a practical standpoint (cost, time, etc.) The idea is untenable.
Why do people have a problem with NAFTA?

Capitalism/free markets are bad?