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Don't we have the coolest coach of all time?

A crazed cokehead genius who looks like he'd shake your hand, only pull an axe out of his suit and put it straight between your cranium as you turn away.

I love Quin Snyder.

Perfect description of him. He looks like the villian in a Bret Easton Ellis novel or Oliver Stone movie. I've also heard someone say he looks like the joker before he fell into the vat of acid.
Future coy, bro'z.

You just need to live long enough to witness it.

Nope. He's going to get the Sloan treatment. When the Jazz go on a tear next season, it will be because Gobert, Favors, Hayward and Exum are such great players. That was always the argument against Sloan: he had Stockton and Malone. Had the Jazz just limped to the finish line with 25-30 wins and NEXT season got to 50+, Snyder would have a chance. But Utah will win 40 and the improvement to 50-55 won't be that big a deal in the eyes of the voters. No one will give credit to QS for being the force behind actually developing the players on the team.

And he has no chance for COY this season. He'll get some votes, but Jazz dug a deep hole early. I think COY comes down to Kerr vs. Budenholzer, with a slight nod to Kerr given the tougher conference.
He's been great, IMO. Couldn't be happier with him. Management got it right on this one. I wanted Horny a couple of years ago, but Quin was worth the wait (and Quin is better than Horny).