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DWill and an extension

Just wondering if anyone knows the earliest the Jazz could sign DWill To another extension? The reason I'm wondering this is because with the upcoming changes to the CBA it would be benefiicial to the Jazz and DWill to agree to a larger money extension before the new CBA kicks in. Then all this worry about Deron opting out to hit greener pastures would become a moot point....
are you high?

Dwill is as good as gone. Why would he want to keep playing for a franchise that doesn't care about winning a title?
I will use the next couple years to cope and prepare myself for the day DWill leaves... because he will leave. Hell, I would leave if the team doesn't do anything to actually try and improve substantially.
don't make it sound like being high is bad, jesus! :)

I find it funny when people criticize the Jazz for not caring about winning a title. Just because you fail to win a title doesn't mean it's from a lack of trying.
I think the OP brings up a good point. It is in the best interest of any player (that has the leverage to do so) to sign a max extension now. I'm not sure if Deron is in the position to do so based on the status of his existing contract. From what I've heard and read, there is quite a good chance that the next CBA could change things quite a bit. That's why we see players like Durant and (maybe) Carmelo looking to sign now rather than wait and see.

Not sure this would influence Deron, but I think it has to be on every player's mind.