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Dwill to Minnesota???

I'd think about trading Deron to NJ if they sent Lopez, their 1st and 2nd rounder, and Devin Harris. And if they'll take Memo's deal straight off our hands. Minnesota has absolutely nothing in their hoard of assets that is worth Deron Williams.

I don't know that I'd trade Deron for Dwight Howard or Lebron James. I know, this post probably looks insane.
You rang?

The answer to the question is, of course, yes. You trade Deron Williams.

The trade is predicated on making it a three-way deal, with Darren Collison and the last year of Peja's contract coming to the Jazz. Why is Collison a sound substitute for Williams? Well, look at their rookie years. In nearly identical minutes, Collison outproduced Williams across the board. Better shooting percentage, more assists, more everything. A guy like Collison would be untouchable if not for 1) the presence of CPaul on the same roster and 2) the financial problems the Hornets face. Dropping Williams salary offsets the one year of pain that Peja's contract brings ... besides, Peja could very possibly give the Jazz some solid production from the three point line next season.

The third team in the deal would be one that has cap space and will give a high draft pick(s) and perhaps a really promising young player for Williams and would also take on a turkey contract from the Jazz, like that of Okur. There are lots of teams that have the ability to get creative this year. The Jazz could well end up with a very high draft pick that would net a Favors or a Cousins.

The bottom line is that the Jazz future could get much brighter in a hurry with this one bold stroke. After next season, both AK47 and Peja would come off the books, putting well over $30 million in play for the Jazz.

Thanks for missing me!
I didn't think it was possible but you actually managed to make this proposed "trade" worse, I shouldn't be surprised but the level of......stu...... NM, none the less NO
I'd think about trading Deron to NJ if they sent Lopez, their 1st and 2nd rounder, and Devin Harris. And if they'll take Memo's deal straight off our hands. Minnesota has absolutely nothing in their hoard of assets that is worth Deron Williams.

I don't know that I'd trade Deron for Dwight Howard or Lebron James. I know, this post probably looks insane.
I would even do that deal if NJ sent back Harris and did 2 of the 3 other things.

Hypotheticals are hyperfun.
What part do you disagree with? That Collison had better rookie numbers than Williams or that the Jazz would have over $30 million in cap space after next season? Let's say the Jazz end up with a lineup like this next season: Collison, Mathews, Kirilenko, Millsap and Cousins, with Peja, Miles, and Fesenko off the Bench. I think that team is better than what the Jazz would parade out there otherwise: the same club as this year minus Boozer and plus a nobody at #9.
What makes you think the Jazz will get Cousins? And how can you look at the lineup you trotted out and see anything but last year's Houston Rockets (at best)? Collison played well as a backup and a nobody playing big minutes for half the year on a team that teams weren't particularly gunning for. Deron Williams has been playing at an elite level for 4 years on a team that every other team gets up for and Williams is the first target in their scouting reports. The second Collison becomes a starter on a good team, he'll come back to earth (but will still be an above average starting PG).

Collison will never be Deron Williams. When Collison is a consensus all-star, makes all-NBA teams, and wins a gold medal, feel free to rub this post in my face. Hell, re-open the discussion when Collison leads his team to the playoffs. Your worship of Collison is very similar to the worship some people have of Millsap. Stepping up when teams aren't paying attention is different than being the focal point of every play and the center of the opposing team's entire defensive scheme.
Hey I was pulling for the Jazz to draft Collison, if the old board was alive you could even look it up, I just think your overestimating him and even for one your I wouldn't want any part of Peja, he looks to be done due to injuries and age.
The answer to the question is, of course, yes. You trade Deron Williams.

The trade is predicated on making it a three-way deal, with Darren Collison and the last year of Peja's contract coming to the Jazz. Why is Collison a sound substitute for Williams? Well, look at their rookie years. In nearly identical minutes, Collison outproduced Williams across the board. Better shooting percentage, more assists, more everything. A guy like Collison would be untouchable if not for 1) the presence of CPaul on the same roster and 2) the financial problems the Hornets face. Dropping Williams salary offsets the one year of pain that Peja's contract brings ... besides, Peja could very possibly give the Jazz some solid production from the three point line next season.

The third team in the deal would be one that has cap space and will give a high draft pick(s) and perhaps a really promising young player for Williams and would also take on a turkey contract from the Jazz, like that of Okur. There are lots of teams that have the ability to get creative this year. The Jazz could well end up with a very high draft pick that would net a Favors or a Cousins.

The bottom line is that the Jazz future could get much brighter in a hurry with this one bold stroke. After next season, both AK47 and Peja would come off the books, putting well over $30 million in play for the Jazz.

Thanks for missing me!

Agreed on some parts. I think that we could get a little more than that for DWill. Maybe another low pick along with it. IMO

Some guys are way to much in love with DWill. Best PG in the game? Yes. But he is a PG and you lose all credibility if you say no to D Howard for DWill. WOW
They are not trading DWill unless its for Lebron or Howard the thread should have been locked on site.
Will Darren Collison ever be considered at the same level as Deron Williams? Impossible to say. However, it is factual to say that his rookie year was more promising than the rookie year of DWill. It is also factual to say that Collison is the much quicker player.

Put it all in perspective. If the Jazz accept that the price of acquiring Collison is paying Peja for one year, the cost of Collison for the next three seasons will be his toal salary of $5.11 million plus one year of Peja at $15.3 (the Hornets asking price for the young point guard is to take that $15.3 off the books). That's a total of just over $20.4 million for three years of Collison, or less than $7 million per year for the next three. Williams salary for those three years will average about $16 million. The difference between the two salaries will allow the Jazz to improve all the parts around the point guard position.
Now, would New Jersey include the three pick in this draft in a deal for Deron Williams? I surmise that they would. I even think they would take Okur's contract as part of the deal. If you take Cousins with that third pick (or even Favors if that's your inclination), you enter next summer with a nucleus of Collison, Millsap and Cousins that is costing you less than $13 million a year. With the extra $43 million or so of salary, you can build a pretty great team around that. Is it worth it to play one season with a lineup of Collison, Matthews/Miles, Kirilenko/Peja, Millsap, and Cousins/Fesenko in order to put yourself in incredible position for the 2011/12 season? I certainly think so.
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Will Darren Collison ever be considered at the same level as Deron Williams? Impossible to say. However, it is factual to say that his rookie year was more promising than the rookie year of DWill. It is also factual to say that Collison is the much quicker player.

Put it all in perspective. If the Jazz accept that the price of acquiring Collison is paying Peja for one year, the cost of Collison for the next three seasons will be his toal salary of $5.11 million plus one year of Peja at $15.3 (the Hornets asking price for the young point guard is to take that $15.3 off the books). That's a total of just over $20.4 million for three years of Collison, or less than $7 million per year for the next three. Williams salary for those three years will average about $16 million. The difference between the two salaries will allow the Jazz to improve all the parts around the point guard position.
Now, would New Jersey include the three pick in this draft in a deal for Deron Williams? I surmise that they would. I even think they would take Okur's contract as part of the deal. If you take Cousins with that third pick (or even Favors if that's your inclination), you enter next summer with a nucleus of Collison, Millsap and Cousins that is costing you less than $13 million a year. With the extra $43 million or so of salary, you can build a pretty great team around that. Is it worth it to play one season with a lineup of Collison, Matthews/Miles, Kirilenko/Peja, Millsap, and Cousins/Fesenko in order to put yourself in incredible position for the 2011/12 season? I certainly think so.
You talk about perspective and act as though you're some genius, and fail to explain how the Jazz get Collison and Cousins. You don't seem to understand that the Jazz can trade Deron to only one team. The Jazz aren't in such a great situation as to clone as many Deron Williamses as they want.