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Earl Watson working out for Jazz


Well-Known Member
Got a tribjazz tweet an hour ago that Earl Watson is working out for the Jazz. Can't link because I can't access twitter from work.

I have to admit that I like the sound of having a real PG behind Deron instead of Ronnie Price and Sundiata Gaines.

Sundiata has got to be worried. He's probably wishing he looked a little better in Orlanda about now.
As long as he realizes he will play no more than around 10 minutes a game could be a good pickup. Assuming it would be for vets minimum so he would cost us more than Gaines, but clearly if he is working out for us we must be prepared to do that.
Sundiata has got to be worried. He's probably wishing he looked a little better in Orlanda about now.

Sources indicate that he has told those close to him that he wishes he would have played worse during the Orlando Summer League.
It's weird.

This is the last post I see on tribjazz:

RT @blazersblog #Utah_Jazz: 5 training camp questions: Carlos Boozer and Kyle Korver are gone. Al Jefferson an... https://bit.ly/cN2lnl

1 minute ago via web

This has been posted for at least a day now.
I suspect the Tweet was posted before it was confirmed and he later found out that he wasn't going to be working out with the Jazz and deleted it.

It's weird.

This is the last post I see on tribjazz:

RT @blazersblog #Utah_Jazz: 5 training camp questions: Carlos Boozer and Kyle Korver are gone. Al Jefferson an... https://bit.ly/cN2lnl

1 minute ago via web

This has been posted for at least a day now.
Not sure why it isn't showing up on twitter page. I'm still at work so I have to rely on my texts. I got another one at 5:26 Utah time that said:
tribjazz said:
#UtahJazz watched guard Earl Watson work out today. Watson's situation is fluid, though, and other teams are interested.
For what it's worth.
I am thinking there's a difference between "The Jazz watched Watson work out" and "Watson working out for the Jazz".... not sure which one is the case...
I am thinking there's a difference between "The Jazz watched Watson work out" and "Watson working out for the Jazz".... not sure which one is the case...

"The Jazz watched Watson work out"
Translation: Watson held a workout with several team reps in attendance.

"Watson's situation is fluid, though, and other teams are interested."
Translation (from Watson's agent): I'm trying to get at least a couple of teams to bid against each other.
Translation (from KOC): He wants too much money.
Watson sucks. I've seen quite a bit of him lately. He might be a slight upgrade from Price, at best. Maybe.
The last time we had a reasonably well respected backup point guard on the roster, Jerry played him. A lot. And last I checked, that guy was actually known for his point guard skills. Do we really want to go down this road again?