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Enes Kanter


Well-Known Member
OK, for those that don't know, I'm currently in graduate school at the University of Kentucky, which is the very definition of social death. Anyways, question: for those of you familiar with the controversy, isn't the Enes Kanter situation one of the more cut-and-dry cases of NCAA Violations that's been around since Cam Newton? Wait, bad example.

But still, why in hell do I have to deal on a day-in/day-out basis with people who think the ineligibility ruling is completely unfair?

Someone with more knowledge of the situation, please enlighten me.
From what I know, Kanter received above and beyond basic compensation of an amount equal to 33K. You can't blame a kid for switching teams in seek of a pay raise.

Student Athlete, one of the great terms ever coined in sports.
I'm currently in graduate school at the University of Kentucky, which is the very definition of social death. Anyways, question: for those of you familiar

Kewl, Moogle. Seems you may be in a unique position to answer a few questions I been puzzlin on, eh?

1. Howze come you're in school if ya done graduated?

2. Or is this just some special kinda school, unlike the majority, which wont' ever letcha graduate?

3. How long before Calipari is throwwed plumb outta all future NCAA positions, ya figure?

4. Howze come aint nobuddy in Kintucky got no teeth?

He's technically registered for one of my friend's classes. Never showed. Guess he knew the jig was up in advance.

Basically, as I understand it, the debate is as follows:

NCAA: "So, violated any rules with this Enes kid?"
UK: "Well, yeah."
NCAA: "..."
UK: "..."
NCAA: "Well, according to the guidelines, we're going to have to suspend him."
UK: "WTF?"