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Ephedra, Steroids, Creatine and Bowflex

Neither really. When I was younger I lifted weights pretty religously but have kind of backed off in the past few years. To optimize the weight lifting you really need to be up on diet & supplementation and how the body interacts with the various components of each facet. I just find the subject to be very interesting. I've even considered becoming a sports nutritionist but haven't taken the dive yet. Maybe once the kids are all grown and out of the house and I can take some risks with my career.

What fascinates me is how a machine (your body) can be worked hard and when properly maintained, gets stronger and lasts longer. Most machines when you work them hard, even with proper maintenance, eventually wear out and break down.
I can see how you can kill yourself with free weights, but how do you do it with a Bowflex? Man, I hate hearing about these stories. Makes me sick. Condolences to the family and friends.