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ESPN Future Power Rankings, Jazz at #14


Well-Known Member
ESPN Insider Article so I'll summarize.

Jazz had the largest fall in the Future Power Rankings as they placed #5 in December. Biggest losses were of course Sloan and D-Will.

Harris, Favors, Al, and Sap are now core of the team. Could have been a smart move if D-Will was in fact going to leave. Evans and Hayward might be keepers.

Jazz should be able to rebuild while remaining a fringe playoff team.

Corbin may or may not be the future coach for the Jazz.

Jimmer. Hayward.Ak.mcroberts, and kantar. How could i see jazz selecting the 2 players and trying to trade for mcroberts cuz pacers wanna get rid of him
If we get McRoberts (and give up anything short of Ronnie Price to get him), I will quit being a jazz fan.