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Other than Donovan should Jazz promise any one including Rudy they will be here next season
Tough call
Just reading between the lines from Conley's interview, it doesn't seem to me he's all that committed to being back with the Jazz next season.
George hill all over again. Aging vet, Injured through the playoffs then non-commits his way out of the franchise looking for greener pastures, while we as a franchise wasted assets to get him and get nothing on the way out
Conley not coming back won’t be the worst thing. Let someone else overpay. Our luxury tax bill wouldn’t be pretty.
Ingles is great to recruit Conley for next season but Ingles may be gone next season
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Mike Conley the washed up overpaid scrub always played for himself. But hey it's DL's fault bringing him here. Smith and Wade get rid of Conley, DL, Zanik and Quin
Last night was a seismic event in franchise history and I wish I could say that all of my doubts about the decisions of the franchise cushioned the disappointment, but it really hasn’t.

I’m just really frustrated that there seemed to be a lot of things the Jazz could’ve done better leading up to and in preparation for the scenario of last night, but they never seemed interested in resting guys in blowouts, building out the versatility and depth of the roster, or trying out different defensive schemes.

The game wasn’t lost in the second half last night so much as it was lost in all of the squandered chances to be better. The second half of the last TWO games demonstrates exactly what some of us have been concerned about for years, which is 5-out ball is a thing, especially in the playoffs, and the Jazz have done **** all to prepare for it.
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