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Extending Howard?


Well-Known Member
If Howard keeps showing play like he has been this season shouldn't KOC rush with signing until he pushes his value too high?
I know 7 games is too early to start warming up the ink but this is definitely something worth considering if we want to keep him in Jazz uni. I haven't seen player like him on this team for a long time on SF position.

I reckon something like 5-7 million per year for 3 years with 3rd as team option would be great.
If he plays like he is I would like him ona 2 year deal. However Howard will not sign. To him this is all about restablishing his brand so he can cash in next year.
Lets see how the Jazz are doing at the deadline. Trading Howard might be the best option. Not a knock on him at all because I love how he's playing. But here's the problem: At 32 (April), this is effectively Howard's last chance at a "big" pro contract. He's trying to position himself for MLE dollars for as many years as he can get. The Jazz can't overbid for that at his age.
If he plays like he is I would like him ona 2 year deal. However Howard will not sign. To him this is all about restablishing his brand so he can cash in next year.

I really doubt it. The guy is old, and I'm sure he'd be happy extending his career for a couple of more years.
I really doubt it. The guy is old, and I'm sure he'd be happy extending his career for a couple of more years.

What I would hope to do with that two year deal is let him start next year and mentor the hopeful answer to SF we try to land in the 2012 draft. In year 2 move him to back up and let that draftee start.
An interesting idea is offering him a loaded one year team option for next season. Make the deal that if he plays above expectations this season Jazz will make it up to him by paying him more next. Call it a performance bonus.

All the risk is taken by Howard, but if he plays his *** off he could get 7 or 8 next year to make up for whatever they gave him this year. I'm guessing that's somewhere around $1.5mm, which is much lower than his contribution. Especially compared to Chuckie's $3.7mm.
The Jazz gave him a shot and more importantly gave him minutes. If that means anything to him, I'm sure he'll stay if The Jazz make him a compettive offer.

If that doesn't mean anyting to him - then we probably don't want him hanging around anyway.
An interesting idea is offering him a loaded one year team option for next season. Make the deal that if he plays above expectations this season Jazz will make it up to him by paying him more next. Call it a performance bonus.

All the risk is taken by Howard, but if he plays his *** off he could get 7 or 8 next year to make up for whatever they gave him this year. I'm guessing that's somewhere around $1.5mm, which is much lower than his contribution. Especially compared to Chuckie's $3.7mm.

Creative idea, but a guy at his age with his injury history is going to look for as many guaranteed dollars as he can get over the lifetime of any deal he signs. The way he's playing, he's looking at Caron Butler (lite) money.
Just wait till the end of the year. Teams won't be throwing a ton of money at him no matter what because of his age. Saints will be able to afford whatever anyone wants to pay him. He may even give Utah a discount/priority because they helped revive his career.
Just wait till the end of the year. Teams won't be throwing a ton of money at him no matter what because of his age. Saints will be able to afford whatever anyone wants to pay him. He may even give Utah a discount/priority because they helped revive his career.

Even with the big tax hits coming, I'm not too sure how much restraint we'll see. I think he'll be looking for a 3 year deal. Maybe he'd take a 2 year if it was for enough money. But 3 years means he'll make the most money he possibly could, and most players sign for the most money they can get.
Even with the big tax hits coming, I'm not too sure how much restraint we'll see. I think he'll be looking for a 3 year deal. Maybe he'd take a 2 year if it was for enough money. But 3 years means he'll make the most money he possibly could, and most players sign for the most money they can get.

Yeah, I understand that. I was simply saying if the #'s are close or identical, he could give the nod to the Jazz.
Whether or not he re-signs with the Jazz depends on a lot of things:

How much he wants
How many years he wants
How well other players are playing (Hayward, CJ, Burks, Millsap, Raja....just kidding)
How well Howard preforms when he does get into NBA shape.

He plays like an all star, more than anyone else on the team. (not stats, just style of play) so I wouldn't mind, but he is taking minutes from the youth, so it's a careful decision to make.
Yeah, I understand that. I was simply saying if the #'s are close or identical, he could give the nod to the Jazz.

He could. But if you're KOC, what kind of offer do you match? If the Jazz are out of the playoff hunt, the decision gets real easy: you trade him and pat yourself on the back for getting a real asset out of a guy you resurrected off the FA pile. If the Jazz are in contention, you play out the string and figure you can just pull another rabbit out of the hat if he gets too good an offer. Assuming Howard keeps playing like he does, I'd rate the chances of resigning him very low.
Creative idea, but a guy at his age with his injury history is going to look for as many guaranteed dollars as he can get over the lifetime of any deal he signs. The way he's playing, he's looking at Caron Butler (lite) money.

That's all it is. I'm not sure Jazz want to keep many of these veterans around anyway. Howard has been playing great and his value should be quickly rising. You're probably right he's trade bait, so hopefully they can package Raja into something.

Teams in the hunt (including Miami) could use him. I wouldn't be surprised if creating a marketable asset is how KOC picked him up over San Antonio etc. Tell the guy you'll trade him to a true competitor if he increases his value that high and it's a done deal with a player chasing a ring.
If the Jazz are out of the playoff hunt, the decision gets real easy: you trade him and pat yourself on the back for getting a real asset out of a guy you resurrected off the FA pile. If the Jazz are in contention, you play out the string and figure you can just pull another rabbit out of the hat if he gets too good an offer. Assuming Howard keeps playing like he does, I'd rate the chances of resigning him very low.

Lets see how the Jazz are doing at the deadline. Trading Howard might be the best option. Not a knock on him at all because I love how he's playing. But here's the problem: At 32 (April), this is effectively Howard's last chance at a "big" pro contract. He's trying to position himself for MLE dollars for as many years as he can get. The Jazz can't overbid for that at his age.
Howard is not in the future plans of the Jazz. KOC was looking for a 1-yr. solution and took a flyer on Howard. Best scenario here is to have Josh continue to play well - and hopefully not get hurt. Then you trade him to a contender for a late 1st. Or you use some combination of Howard, Miles and Tinsley (all expirings) to pick up a good, veteran SF, but one who is in his mid to late 20's. Howard has been a solid player - and citizen - through 7 games, but he's just too old to keep around.

By next season, Burks will be ready to start, Hayward can either start or back up both wing positions. If the Jazz have one or two picks, then a SF can be selected. However, I think there's a good chance Utah winds up with NO picks. Jazz just might sneak into the playoffs with a .500 record. And GS right now looks like one of the bottom 8 teams in the league. if that's the case, KOC will need to use existing assets (like the MEMO TPE) or pick up/trade additional ones to add another impact player.
Lets see how the Jazz are doing at the deadline. Trading Howard might be the best option. Not a knock on him at all because I love how he's playing. But here's the problem: At 32 (April), this is effectively Howard's last chance at a "big" pro contract. He's trying to position himself for MLE dollars for as many years as he can get. The Jazz can't overbid for that at his age.

Howard for Billups?
Howard for Bledsoe?