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What you don't realize with your ninth grade education, is that the people that run the league and own the teams are a collection of the greatest minds in business. Paul Allen, Mark Cuban, Jerry Buss, Prohkhorov, James Dolan, Jerry Colangelo, Howard Schultz.

If anybody knows how to turn profits its these guys.
What you don't realize with your ninth grade education, is that the people that run the league and own the teams are a collection of the greatest minds in business. Paul Allen, Mark Cuban, Jerry Buss, Prohkhorov, James Dolan, Jerry Colangelo, Howard Schultz.

If anybody knows how to turn profits its these guys.

....I beg your pardon! I must bring to your attention that I have a complete, verifiable and well documented HIGH SCHOOL education, with a signed and notarized diploma in my possession!
Of course, they KNOW how to turn a profit.....and that's why they are going to lock all your NBA clowns OUT until they are guaranteed the turning of a profit if and when the NBA resumes its pathetic play! I thought it was interesting how it was pointed out that the VERY reason why the owners are in the position financially they presently are in....is the direct result of what they are DOING NOW....signing these clowns to max money when they are either damaged goods or just not worth nearly that kind of money!
...latest on the looming lockout! "Nevertheless, the lockout is coming and Carmelo Anthony is smart enough to understand his peers don’t have the staying power to fight these owners to the bitter end. They never do. The league wants blood this time, and the smartest of stars understand they better get the money available to them now, because David Stern and these owners are hell-bent to make sure it won’t be there later."

What you don't realize with your ninth grade education, is that the people that run the league and own the teams are a collection of the greatest minds in business. Paul Allen, Mark Cuban, Jerry Buss, Prohkhorov, James Dolan, Jerry Colangelo, Howard Schultz.

If anybody knows how to turn profits its these guys.

SimpleHeel calling to question other people's intellect and education... Oh, this is just dripping.
Don't push me trailer timmy.


Whatever you say, Mein Fuhrer.