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Favorite 14-15 jazz player rankings

Stars: hayward, favors

Breakout potential: burks, Rudy

Future stars: exum, hood

Not dead yet, but maybe on the way out: enes

Gonna have to win me back over with defense and less pics of wieners: dick treycy.

Sleeper: booker.

Favors will probably always be my favorite player from this iteration of the Jazz, but I will probably buy an exum jersey.
Probably the best post in the thread

Nailed it bline
Jingle Bells
Millsap / Hood
the reserves
Trey Burke, and it isn't even close
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I have been pleasantly surprised with Jingles, especially lately. Yeah he can stink it up, but the shots he takes are normally not forced and within the flow of the offense. But the guy just plays with heart. He shows confidence, and some ball-handling you wouldn't expect from a guy whose running reminds me mostly of Lurch. And if he can maintain his around 40% clip from 3 then he gives us something we really need.
I have been pleasantly surprised with Jingles, especially lately. Yeah he can stink it up, but the shots he takes are normally not forced and within the flow of the offense. But the guy just plays with heart. He shows confidence, and some ball-handling you wouldn't expect from a guy whose running reminds me mostly of Lurch. And if he can maintain his around 40% clip from 3 then he gives us something we really need.
i agree. About ingles. As much as we want a superstar, the reason this team isnt over .500 is probably because our bench sucks from the 1-3 positions.

Ingles is exactly the type of players we need backing up the wing.
So far

1) Gobert
2) Booker
3) Hayward
4) Favors
5) Ingles
6) Kanter
7) Hood
8) Little Sap
9) Exum
10) Burke
11) Evans (he's still on the active roster, right?)
12) Novak (he's still on the active roster, right?)

Burks would be #3 if he weren't hurt for the year. I actually don't hate any player on the team. I wish Burke wasn't such a ball hog and I wish Exum was more aggressive, but I still like them.

And Booker on occasion may get too excited and shoot too much, but the energy and passion he's brought to this team has made me a huge fan of his. Perhaps it's because I watch too many games, but I pay attention to the bench reactions a lot. Even when he's not playing Booker is a fantastic cheerleader on the bench there. He really seems excited for every game.
Very close to mine, except I'd put Booker and Hood in front of Exum.

Right now I would put Booker in front of Exum too... that one was posted before the start of the season.

Right now I'd say something like this:
The fact that he signed the contract early and is a good defensive player and not too shabby offensive player favors gotta be my number 1 atm, I haven't really thought about ranking the rest yet. Also check out this hilarious twitter exchange between Rudy Gobert and Derrick Favors.

Chuck Norris
Wait... What were we talkin bout?
01. Stifle Tower
02. G-Time
03. D-Faves
04. Crocodile Dante
05. Houdini
06. Booker T
07. Enes The Menace
08. Jingles
09. Black Jesus
10. Prince of 3's
11. Human Pogo Stick
12. Lil'Sap

That's as far as I go. I mean, I like Novac and Clark just fine. . . but I don't expect either guy on the team next year.