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Favors and Kanter need to switch positions


Well-Known Member
Favors just doesn't have the range that Kanter does, and Kanter's not as quick to recover and help on defense.

Man, it's a no brainer. C'mon Ty. Get it together.
Basic logic................if you are great defensively, can protect the rim and poor offensively you play center. If..............you are not a great leaper, can not protect the rim well (help defense) but can shoot outside well you would make a better power forward. Favors needs to embrace this logic and do what is best for the team.

Basic logic................if you are great defensively, can protect the rim and poor offensively you play center. If..............you are not a great leaper, can not protect the rim well (help defense) but can shoot outside well you would make a better power forward. Favors needs to embrace this logic and do what is best for the team.

It's not Favors's job to substitute himself on the right position. It's that man called Ty Corbin who does the "strategy".
It's not Favors's job to substitute himself on the right position. It's that man called Ty Corbin who does the "strategy".

You know Ty has little guts. Favors stating that he is a power forward period is enough to make Ty to take the easy way out.....................thus the we will just call them the big men position instead of center and power forward.
Dennis Lindsey kinda poo-pooed the idea of PF and Cs: there are just two bigs. They have roles as bigs: defender, rebounder, scorer, playmaker. Right now Favors has the role of defender and rebounder with a little scorer. Kanter is the scorer.
Dennis Lindsey kinda poo-pooed the idea of PF and Cs: there are just two bigs. They have roles as bigs: defender, rebounder, scorer, playmaker. Right now Favors has the role of defender and rebounder with a little scorer. Kanter is the scorer.

There's still positioning on the floor... poo poo it or not.. the positions are still there.
There's still positioning on the floor... poo poo it or not.. the positions are still there.

How do you mean? If a guy is the designated center, are there only things that center can or cannot do? What would those be? How does it matter if Kanter is called the center or Favors is called the center?
The problem is that on D, Favors positioning doesn't allow him to cover both sides of the floor as easily... Oh well, we all know that, but Corbin's a puss.

OK. I'm slow I guess. Was that ban aimed at me? :confused:

(Not that I would mind tangling with her; in fact, I may threaten to ban someone in every thread from here on out!)
How do you mean? If a guy is the designated center, are there only things that center can or cannot do? What would those be? How does it matter if Kanter is called the center or Favors is called the center?

Who steps away for the shot leaving the other down low, one-on-one?
Who holds off the opposing scorer while the other gets in help position?
No homo? Or was it? Ewwwww.

They are just switching positions... not touching helmets.

A wise man once said that touching helmets is when it becomes "homo"
Who steps away for the shot leaving the other down low, one-on-one?
Who holds off the opposing scorer while the other gets in help position?
Are you suggesting that Favors should guard Robin Lopez while Kanter guards LMA? Given how much pick and roll and post-ups the Blazers run with LMA, that seems kinda stupid.
Are you suggesting that Favors should guard Robin Lopez while Kanter guards LMA? Given how much pick and roll and post-ups the Blazers run with LMA, that seems kinda stupid.

Fair point! How many teams are running pick sets via their PF primarily in the West? Only Dallas, New Orleans, T-Wolves and Clippers come to my mind.

How do you mean? If a guy is the designated center, are there only things that center can or cannot do? What would those be? How does it matter if Kanter is called the center or Favors is called the center?

What matters is that Favors should take the guy on the low block as often as possible to decrease opp FG% inside 10 feet.

There's still positioning on the floor... poo poo it or not.. the positions are still there.

I think there's positions on your team offensive plays. You gotta know where you're supposed to be.
But on defense you should simply know team defense concepts your team wants you to execute. And depending on opponents lineups you can have 2 guys on the low blocks or one operating from the high post. And the way teams swing over the ball you gotta be capable of playing everywhere.
Only thing I WANT is that Favors risks getting def 3 sec violations on every play to make opponents take floaters, mid range pullups, 3 pointer as often as possible to take away easy buckets. All of those contested of course ;) YES I'M TALKING TO YOU RICHARD JEFFERSON. BEING 33 IS NO EXCUSE TO SLACK ON DEFENSE!