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Favors dunks the postgame


Well-Known Member
He nailed it.

"we fought hard to get here...we have nothing to ashamed of"

Sorry no link. But spoken like a true leader. He didn't hang his head. Dude is the future.
Couldn't blame any Jazz player who wanted to blaze one after this disgrace. Who'd want to remember.
For the record, Big Al is saying the correct things too.
It's just funnier with Al because you know that as much as he means them, he's still going to give them free layups.
I don't give a crap what players say in interviews, but technically Favors said the wrong thing. The "right" thing to say was, "Getting to the playoffs is nice, but we can't be satisfied just getting here. We have to win."

Not knocking Favors. But we don't want anyone saying THAT until we've lost.
I don't give a crap what players say in interviews, but technically Favors said the wrong thing. The "right" thing to say was, "Getting to the playoffs is nice, but we can't be satisfied just getting here. We have to win."

Not knocking Favors. But we don't want anyone saying THAT until we've lost.

Nah, he said the right thing. It was from the heart, not a script. And it wasn't what he said so much as how he said it. The Lord of Emotion spoke without defeat in his voice.

It needs a link I know.
Nah, he said the right thing. It was from the heart, not a script. And it wasn't what he said so much as how he said it. The Lord of Emotion spoke without defeat in his voice.

It needs a link I know.

Then it sounds like Favors still needs to learn his lines. Nothing wrong with that. He's 20. If his real "heart" is really telling him we should just be really thrilled to be in the playoffs, I'll worry. But I suspect he's just answering a question in context.
Then it sounds like Favors still needs to learn his lines. Nothing wrong with that. He's 20. If his real "heart" is really telling him we should just be really thrilled to be in the playoffs, I'll worry. But I suspect he's just answering a question in context.

You are reading in to this way too much. He was aksed if they were embarassed about the loss. His response was appropriate.
You are reading in to this way too much. He was aksed if they were embarassed about the loss. His response was appropriate.

^^^This. He was pretty much eluding to the fact that none of the experts picked them to be there and that he was looking forward to going home and getting the 6th man(the home crowd) involved in game 3.
^^^This. He was pretty much eluding to the fact that none of the experts picked them to be there and that he was looking forward to going home and getting the 6th man(the home crowd) involved in game 3.

If we had lost by 3 then I think you might have point...

I doubt the 6th man can make up a 30 point swing. The 6th man cannot cure all of our defects which are being badly exposed by the Spurs.

Folks forget, this is the Spurs. We could barely beat their JV team at home.
For the record, Big Al is saying the correct things too.
It's just funnier with Al because you know that as much as he means them, he's still going to give them free layups.
The prob with Big AL is everything is big except his heart.he has no mean streak ,and frankly not seeing it out of many other players on team.Al sees Duncan slip to the ground and instead of trying to take advantage of it as any Spur would do,Jefferson extends his hand out to Duncan to help him up,Yes,Isaid it help his Timmy boy up,is he that big of a wimp that heis more worried about timmy getting a strawberry on his knee instead of a Jazz basket.right there is the difference between teams.we need mean azzkickers not stargazers.
What are the Jazz at home? 23-8? Especially after getting publicly humiliated like this, I think this team will probably come out with a renewed effort. ****, at least this is what Im telling myself after such an embarrassment.
I think that this young team should be thrilled just to get into the playoffs. It's BS that players have to follow a script when they are interviewed, like there's something wrong with being proud of what they have accomplished thus far. They went from being disrespected as perhaps one of the worst teams in the league (per most predictions) to being in the playoffs. They should be proud of that. They should see the potential that the team has. Of course they can and should give everything they have to try to beat the Spurs, but it was never likely to be a series they would win. The Spurs are clearly in the top 2-3 teams in the league right now. And, if they play the way they have been, they definitely could get the title this year.