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Fire BluesRocker

Its still here because its ok to hate on me. Double standard maybe? If i were to make a similar thread it would be moved in 2 min. Its ok cuz the mods hate on me too. Its cool though. I dont care. I think its a pretty funny thread. More of these should be allowed.
For all of us. Including you PoKeMon. Dont be such a poor sport. Your cry baby attitude is getting old. Why does it bother you so much i think differently than you.
For all of us. Including you PoKeMon. Dont be such a poor sport. Your cry baby attitude is getting old. Why does it bother you so much i think differently than you.

Damn. You calling me a poor sport just may make me stop posting here .. (UK fan, to remind).

Get better .. and remember,

they can't all be winners .. chin up.