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Fire Corbin or Keep Him?

Should we Fire Corbin or Keep Him?

  • Fire Him -- He's doesn't manage his players well

    Votes: 68 82.9%
  • Keep Him -- He needs more time to learn on the job

    Votes: 14 17.1%

  • Total voters
He said this:

Wide open JJ 3's are extremely easy shots.

Come on man, i think you know when somone says "easy shots" they mean uncontested layups.

You dont have to be a jerk ALL the time man.
BTW torbin, rev was trying to agree with you, harstsock, frank etc etc by saying that millsap being in instead of favors on defense is not the reason we lost.... he was blaming it on the wings.

Yet you still have to try to argue with him anyways......
I'll have to go back and look at it later tonight. I seem to remember most of the shots having a lot of separation either through ISO moves or off-balls screens.

Just watched the final min of reg, and OT. There was only one shot that was wide open that was not contested. Yes I saw JJ's 3s. The last one in Haywards face was defended. He came late, but it was a contested , and a good hit. The bucks hit some good shots late.

Also there was two layups at the rim late in the game. Ellis, and JJ.
BTW torbin, rev was trying to agree with you, harstsock, frank etc etc by saying that millsap being in instead of favors on defense is not the reason we lost.... he was blaming it on the wings.

Yet you still have to try to argue with him anyways......

It's part of Cyrone's thing. He loves to argue, and take the less popular side. It's his role here
The game was lost on a missed FT. It was the right choice.

Both Kanter and Millsap scored the majority of our points. Does Favors or anyone makeup for those points? Who knows?

We do know the choice Corbin made put us in a high % chance to win the game if 1 of 3 missed ft's in crunch time were made.

And how do you know how things might've turned out if Favors had been given some time -- any reasonable coach, basketball analyst would've put Favors back. You're a complete doofus for defending something that failed. If the Jazz won, I'd still disagree but the fact that they lost doesn't give you one leg to stand on.
And how do you know how things might've turned out if Favors had been given some time -- any reasonable coach, basketball analyst would've put Favors back. You're a complete doofus for defending something that failed. If the Jazz won, I'd still disagree but the fact that they lost doesn't give you one leg to stand on.

Once again taking your opinion, making a baseless claim, and thinking you just shut down an argument. Tard.
Durr, these guys don't listen and apparently don't have the brains to comprehend our points, so whatever they say, is worthless. I think the results of the poll speak for themselves. People with common sense, and half a brain, can see that Corbin is not up for the job and is hurting the development of the young guys, and that he needs to either change his methods and pay better attention to his game management, or needs to be shown his walking papers.

Well, stalk4u, we have been told now haven't we.

Corbin is also responsible for burks great play while at colorado, haywards great play at butler, and kanter kicking but in all his big games when he was 16-19 years old.

None of our guys had any talent before they met corbin, and if it were not for corbin then none of them would even be in the nba.


As far as favors failing to develop an offensive game: his 23 pts in 30 minutes against the best shot blocker in the leage says hi :)

It seems that MOST of the time, when favors gets 30 minutes, he puts up a decent amount of points.

Are you playing troll chess thinking you have a counterpart? Don't overthink it so much..
Favors has improved his outside shot, his post moves, and his free throw shooting since coming here. Yet, obviously he still has a ways to go before he's a "polished offensive player" The truth is he has improved, and will probably continue to get better.

and so what if he gets a lot of points off rebounds, and dunks?
Big Al takes away so much from other players, so what if his offensive game is more "developed".
I'll take a guy that plays better defense, still finds other ways to score, and doesn't completely take other players out of the offense any day of the week.

Good big picture points all around except for not accounting for the need to have at least one solid scorer. That need is diminishing fast, and combined with Al's regression & outright refusal to play defense has a target painted on his chest.

But now we're off reservation.

This loss is completely on him.

Why is Marvin even playing?

No burks? No kanter? Your game winner is an isolation play to Foye???

Is there another coach in the league who would have done this?

Corbin and Al need one way tickets to Washington, minny, or who the hell cares.
Well, stalk4u, we have been told now haven't we.

Are you playing troll chess thinking you have a counterpart? Don't overthink it so much..

Franklin, you are a moron, no doubt about it, why even bother with someone with as low an IQ as you.

I don't even know what to think about this loss. Why was Foye even guarding Irving, though he did get the stop. How do you let a team get a 12-1 run at the end to beat you? This certainly doesn't reflect well on Corbin.
Our one guy that probably could go one on one at the end is not in the game.


Corbin has no idea how to win a close game.
Once again taking your opinion, making a baseless claim, and thinking you just shut down an argument. Tard.

Tard, what's baseless. Pretty basic. If you're arguing for something that failed, you don't have much support. How is that baseless? Are you a mental midget?