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Following potential 2013 draftees

I think a tweener is less of a liability when he is a backup, which is probably how he would be used with Kanter and Favors on the front line. If we could get a good small forward, then we would have a pretty good team. I think one of Schroder or Kabongo would work out well for the Jazz as a point guard, and the other could be a backup. I think we can really build well for the future in this draft.

****! Can we stop acting like this is happening! It's going to be a major let down.

I can't handle the sadness
Love his athleticism and potential on the defensive end, but tweeners scare me...especially tweeners that played crap competition and didn't dominate. I'd be okay with the pick, but in that scenario I'd probably prefer Saric or Antetokoumpo.

Mitchell has as much potential as anyone in this draft. If he can be motivated then the Jazz just had the best draft our of anyone with that pick.

That being said, we need a coach that actually coaches as well as can push players to be their best selves. Corbin does not fit that description at all.
Mitchell has as much potential as anyone in this draft. If he can be motivated then the Jazz just had the best draft our of anyone with that pick.

That being said, we need a coach that actually coaches as well as can push players to be their best selves. Corbin does not fit that description at all.

Turbo false. I think you meant to say Mitchell has as much athleticism as anyone in this draft.
I think everyone hit a wall about the same time. Things got real stale for a few weeks and everyone I spoke to, including myself, was just meh.

I thought you'd say that.

Interestingly enough for me it has been a pretty full on off-season so far analyzing the 2 draft picks we'll be getting.

- Being in the lottery also added a bit of spice and excitement to things.

- NCAA tournament changes things with Burke plowing his way into top #5

- Then it was being sick of this crap draft

- Then Schroeder showed up, and it was like "OH Hell Yeah!"

- Then at the Combine all these other guys started to move up like Gobert, Olynyk, Adams...

- ... leave the door open for the possibility to grab at least one of Schroeder, McCollum or MCW.

I'm pretty excited about the draft now that we'll get a pretty good player and a potential starter on our team with the #14 pick this year to be honest witchu. Anyone of those 6 players mentioned above have great potential and could really contribute to our team.
You talkin about the draft? Yeah, we are not going to get an all star, but a couple role players will go a long way this year.

How about we shoot for one star of the team, and one
solid role player. Can we compromise? I know the odds are highly against drafting an all-star.
I guess I'm just hoping for a little more.
I was kind of in love with Mitchell during last year's draft. I think he says he wants to play SF - and he should be really good there defensively. But his offense sucks. But the Jazz system doesn't really cater to the 3 anyway. Not offensively.

or would we rather the Jazz take Giannis? who lacks experience but based on DX's writeup he should be good defensively too, in addition to his passing and ball handling skills, and shot 34% on his 3s this season.

I don't know enough to form an opinion. Just intrigued with a lot of guys - especially the ones I know less about.
I would take Giannis over Mitchell, but that's just me. If I take Mitchell, he's playing PF, and that's it. All I would want him to do is defend the paint and be athletic out there. If he wants to try to take people off the dribble or take stupid jumpshots, I take him out. Get rebounds, defend and dunks. That's all he would need to do. I think Giannis's basketball skills lead to a higher potential for him though.
I think Giannis's basketball skills lead to a higher potential for him though.

Yeah, I think I'm leaning that way too. Mitchell is probably more NBA ready now but Giannis probably has a higher ceiling. Maybe. It's a gamble but given the info I have in front of me that's what I'd bet on. I know too much about Mitchell's shortcomings.
I would take Giannis over Mitchell, but that's just me. If I take Mitchell, he's playing PF, and that's it. All I would want him to do is defend the paint and be athletic out there. If he wants to try to take people off the dribble or take stupid jumpshots, I take him out. Get rebounds, defend and dunks. That's all he would need to do. I think Giannis's basketball skills lead to a higher potential for him though.
Excellent post. Agree with every word.
How about we shoot for one star of the team, and one
solid role player. Can we compromise? I know the odds are highly against drafting an all-star.
I guess I'm just hoping for a little more.

Somebody posted in another thread that they saw a mock with us taking Bazz at 14, Gobert at 21, and Kabongo at 46. This would be awesome.
I would take Giannis over Mitchell, but that's just me. If I take Mitchell, he's playing PF, and that's it. All I would want him to do is defend the paint and be athletic out there. If he wants to try to take people off the dribble or take stupid jumpshots, I take him out. Get rebounds, defend and dunks. That's all he would need to do. I think Giannis's basketball skills lead to a higher potential for him though.

I'll ask about this in this thread, what do y'all think about Mark Lyons from Arizona as a possible camp invite or 2nd Round pick? The kid definitely has the intangibles down in my mind.
I'll ask about this in this thread, what do y'all think about Mark Lyons from Arizona as a possible camp invite or 2nd Round pick? The kid definitely has the intangibles down in my mind.

What does PGAB think about him? I usually don't form my opinions until a prospect has been favorably compared to an NBA great...