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Forget the poll - Jazz just DID sign Raja Bell

Raja Bell is Back

Just filed to ESPN.com: Raja Bell will not be meeting with Kobe Bryant after all ... because Bell has been snapped up Utah
Source was Mark Stein on Twitter by the way.

Don't like the move. Bell is old, broken down, and coming off significant wrist surgery. Three years/$10 million, would have preferred Ronnie Brewer.
Well this wasn't really what I was hoping for, but maybe we bring him in because he's a veteran?
"Raja rings the Bell!

@STEIN_LINE_HQ: Just filed to ESPN.com: Raja Bell will not be meeting with Kobe Bryant after all ... because Bell has been snapped up Utah

@STEIN_LINE_HQ: Sources say Jazz put hard press on Bell -- who has played for Jerry Sloan before -- and offered three-year deal worth nearly $10 million

@STEIN_LINE_HQ: Kobe has been chasing Bell hard, with phone calls before Wednesday's scheduled sitdown. But Lakers' best offer could only start at $1.8 mil
It's funny how Kobe tries to lure guys that he's had issues with in the past (Artest, now Bell). Glad to have him back! Even at 34 he's an intelligent player, knows our system, still a fundamentally sound defender who isnt afraid to go toe to toe with anyone, and can knock down the outside J. Welcome back, time to start ringing that Bell!
Also, to add to that, i think he's a similar player to Matt Barnes just 4 yrs older, but more familiar with our system so IMO that offsets the age differential.