Hey guys, I rarely post here but was at the game last night so I thought I would post some of my observations.
1. The tank in Boston is incredible. I bought tickets for $5. Last year those tickets were going for $65.
2. Hayward was clearly the best player on the floor. My friends who are Celtic fans agreed. His shot was falling, he was driving and passing well. Late in the game I wanted the ball in his hands for probably the first time I can remember with him. Unfortunately, Alec screwed up some of those last possessions.
2b. Alec is dumb.
3. Kanter is good. The kid didn't play in college; he didn't play much last year; was rehabing his shoulder all offseason and comes in and is throwing down 20 points with literally no PG to create an open shot for him. How nice will it be when we have a PG who can drive the lane and suck the defense in and give Kanter an easy lay-up or jumper. Hopefully Burke can do that.
4. Favors quit on the team. Or at least it looked like it in the arena. He was sulking, his offensive game looked horrible, with the exception of his last few dunks, and the refs just melted him down mentally. As much as Locke is a hack he had a great point; when Favors got discouraged in the past he can go sit on the bench and let a Vet take his place. This year he has to learn to play through it. I hope he as the mental toughness to do it. I'm not sure he does.
5. Corbin is horrible. What offense do we run? Do we space our offense at all? All I can see is screens being set on the perimeter and the defender fighting over the screen and both defenders trapping him or just chasing him further along the perimeter to no-mans land. Whenever our bigs roll, they never get the ball, and if they do there is help on one of our bigs. Like that is like...basketball 101 coaching. Wish our coach could teach that.
The Celtics are terrible, but when they were on their 2nd/3rd quarter smashing of the Jazz you could see--dare I say--ball movement. While there are some Vets on the Celts, there was some nice interior ball movement by Sullinger and Olynik (sp?). I can only think that comes down to coaching. Sure, a players ability helps with that, but their sets just seemed better then ours. A staple of the Jazz with Sloan was our out-of-bounds sets--not anymore. Locke and the Jazz FO are the only ones who think this guy can coach. He needs to go.
My post is pretty much rehash from the rest of the thread, but thought I would throw my confirmation of some of the things that I saw in-person (for the one live game I will see all year).