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Gambling Wins & Losses

Good call!! He texts me like once a week to tell me he watched my episode again!!!

So Howie and Zulu are just eatin popcorn, watching the Deal or No Deal episode in question while UGLI baby runs to and fro across the entire interwebs hoping to get his hands on even the shortest of clips? Ya yuk it up fellas. Life's just one big television game show to you isn't it?
So Howie and Zulu are just eatin popcorn, watching the Deal or No Deal episode in question while UGLI baby runs to and fro across the entire interwebs hoping to get his hands on even the shortest of clips? Ya yuk it up fellas. Life's just one big television game show to you isn't it?

Sounds about right!!!
The worst loss I ever had was on a night of poker back in college. It wasn't the most money I ever lost but the time it happened was devastating. We were playing no limit hold 'em and I badly misread the opponent. I just knew he was going for a flush and my 9's over A's were dominant. Mother****er turned over pocket A's and took my money. He could have at least given me some of his Oreos, the *******.
Mrs. Trout and I took $2,400.00 from the craps table in Wendover a few years back. We went back a few months later, confident that we had the skillz, and watched as the craps table took almost $1,500.00 from us before we finally called it a night. That was by far the worst loss I've ever had, the next closest being $200.00 or so. If I look at all of my Wendover trips over the years, I've certainly come out on top though. Mrs. Trout is secretly a hell of a gambler, and will run a poker table to the ground. I've tried to get her to come to GF's house, but she's just not into it.
Mrs. Trout and I took $2,400.00 from the craps table in Wendover a few years back. We went back a few months later, confident that we had the skillz, and watched as the craps table took almost $1,500.00 from us before we finally called it a night. That was by far the worst loss I've ever had, the next closest being $200.00 or so. If I look at all of my Wendover trips over the years, I've certainly come out on top though. Mrs. Trout is secretly a hell of a gambler, and will run a poker table to the ground. I've tried to get her to come to GF's house, but she's just not into it.

Quit making up stories. We all know your ugly *** doesn't have a girlfriend or wife.
I find it amazing that Hack and northeast are never online at the same time. Interesting, wouldn't you say?

It's not very interesting at all. I live in Utah. Northeast lives in the Northeast. Hence the name.

I've been shook down at legit gambling places in China for no reason. You go up a little money, try to leave with your winnings, and they just don't let you. That's always fun.
That's what happens when you gamble with Communists. Used to happen to me in the Soviet Union all the time.
Won $500 at craps first time playing. I was only betting $5 across. If I knew what I was doing I woulda won several thousand. Now I know what I'm doing and I get killed.

Tried no-limit for first time last year. That was fun. Up $100 at one point but ended up down $200. Lost a bad one trip Aces to flush or some **** like that.

I don't gamble much. There are a few coaches clinics I go to (Vegas, Wendover) every year and we will gamble a little there but most of us are smalltime and just want to hang out anyway. Usually spend most of the time at blackjack, a little on craps, and then sprinkle in video poker and the sportsbook.
Is there such a thing as legit gambling in China? As far as I understand they have a very strict ban on any form of gambling. Cricket fighting is out of control. https://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/08/16/cricket_fighting_ring/

You're right, except that there is this little place in China called Macau(haven't you actually been there? - I swear I remember you mentioning going there while in the Navy) that is 5 X bigger than Vegas. That's where it happened. Of course it's a special administrative region, but Chinese consider it China so I do too. It's not "China" in the sense that it doesn't feel like mainland China though, that's for sure. Highly highly recommend that place though if any of you ever get the itch. I've had a blast every time I've been there.