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Game #9 Utah Jazz at Orlando Magic 11-13-15 5PM

Tibor Pleiss has a great wet noodle sort of offensive move. It's not rigid and blocky like Hakeem or powerful like Shaq, it's just sort of... he gets the ball, faces up, and his arms then flail out like they have no bones or muscle, just floppy hollow tubes held together by some duct tape. Flopping all around, then the ball is released at a random point, maybe just whenever he loses control. I think it might work, it's an interesting technique, he just needs to stop smoking.

- Craig
I like what Orlando is building, mind you they started their rebuild after the Jazz.

Remember when Vucivic and Tobias Harris got drafted after Enes Kanter?
oh well. rudy and hood didn't play. oladipo didn't play either, but absence of rudy was huge. can't do anything now. on to next one
Neto looking good against terrible competition. It seems like a no-brainer to switch Burke and Neto, have Burke start and Neto against second units.

- Craig

I would not change a single thing with Burke. If he has found his role in the NBA let him excel in it. Trade a minor asset for a PG on an expiring deal.
Seems like everyone on the team really struggled...I didnt get a chance to watch or follow much of the game but dang...I was almsot certain this would be a win.
I really dont get how Pleiss was ahead of Withey in the rotation.

Pleiss will earn $2,7 mil this season and Withey signed a partially-guaranteed contract. Pleiss had the chance to show up before Withey.

Probably if Whitey had played against the Heat, the Jazz would have won that game.