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Game of Thrones(HBO Series)


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anyone else watching this show? it's pretty good. It's got a excellent cast - Sean Bean(aka Boromir), Lena Headley(aka King Leonidas wife), some pretty good child actors and some others.

anyone else watching this show? it's pretty good. It's got a excellent cast - Sean Bean(aka Boromir), Lena Headley(aka King Leonidas wife), some pretty good child actors and some others.

Boromir. LOL. I still consider him Trevelyan. As for Game of Thrones, it is definitely my type of show. I have seen the first 4 episodes and it is pretty solid.
Yeah, I've been mentioning it in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy thread. It's been building up nicely... started out slow because of the large cast of characters involved, but episode 2 was better than 1, and 3 was better than 2. I thought 4 was a bit heavy on the exposition, but that may because I've read the books multiple times. I was a little annoyed that they gave the Hound's backstory to Littlefinger to tell Sansa rather than have the Hound do it himself... it really was much more effective in the original book. As for 5, the scene between Robert and Cersei at the end was the best scene in the show so far, so I'm hopeful that it will keep improving. Although I was a little weirded out that they made Renly and Loras gay. Nothing wrong with gay characters, but neither was gay in the book (at least we were never told about it), and I don't think there was any hugely compelling reason for them to have a scene of Loras going down on Renly.

Good stuff overall, though. I'll be interested to see episode 7... that's the one they gave to the original author to write himself.
Renly and Loras were hinted at to being gay in the books. But yeah, that scene was extremely uncomfortable, I mean, the slurping? Really? It's not even necessary, at least the Dany and her maid/helper lesbian scene was necessary because she was showing her how to impress the Khal.

Anyway, great show, I thought it moved a bit slowly in 3 and 4, but with how much is going to happen, the last episodes are going to be GOLDEN.

- Craig
I kind of poo-pood this when I first saw it but it has been very good. I agree, best show on television currently.
I got to see that preview deal of episode 7... good stuff. Lots of good action, things starting to come to a head. I like the actor they got for Tywin.
Tywin definitely continued the great casting for the show. Fitting that his first scene was him butchering up a boar.

I thought the 6th episode was amazing scene after amazing scene. When it got to the one with Dany eating the heart, I was just like, "Damn. This is amazing."
A few other random thoughts:

-Maester Luwin's retort to Theon about being both a prisoner and a guest was my favorite burn of the show so far. I was smiling from ear to ear for a solid five minutes after that, just thinking, "Damn. That was harsh. I like it."
-I actually really loved the new Littlefinger scene with him instructing the two whores. At first I wondered what they were trying to accomplish with it... I mean, that had to be the most pornographic scene of the show so far, and it wasn't in the book at all. But it's all just soooo appropriate for him as a character. The more and more I thought about it, the more I realized they really managed to define him very nicely through that scene... really, truly, amazingly well.
-Is it just me, or do they still have a lot of ground to cover for Dany in three episodes? I feel like they're either going to have to make a lot of cuts in that storyline or really just give it more time than they've been giving it.
-It seems apparent that they've almost cut out the wolves altogether, or at least used them as little as possible. They didn't even show up to save Bran in the woods. What gives?
-Tyrion's "confession of crimes" was even better in the show than in the books. BTW, similarly with Dany's storyline, I feel like there's still a lot of ground to cover with Tyrion... both with the mountain clans and meeting Shea. I sort of wonder if they're going to cut out the mountain clans altogether.
-Lastly, back to Tywin, I think I was paying especially close attention to him because at some point while reading the books he became Ed Harris in my head. I'm really not sure why that is. I didn't substitute any other actors for book characters, just that one. But now that I see Charles Dance in there... not bad at all. I still would've been interested to see what Ed Harris could have done with it, but I'm not complaining at all.

EDIT: Oh, and I should mention that I realized episode 7 actually wasn't the one written by Martin himself, as I had said above... it's actually episode 8, due to air on June 6.
It looks excellent. I'm really considering getting HBO just to see it, though I have to find out if there's some way I can watch the previous episodes (via reruns or on-demand or whatever).

I remember trying to read the first book but could just not get into it. It jumped around far too much for my liking.
It looks excellent. I'm really considering getting HBO just to see it, though I have to find out if there's some way I can watch the previous episodes (via reruns or on-demand or whatever).

I remember trying to read the first book but could just not get into it. It jumped around far too much for my liking.
I know for a fact that the previous episodes are on-demand, so no worries there.
I was bored several Sunday's ago and watched the first 3 episodes on demand. Best show on television for sure. I spoiled the entire thing for myself because I'm too impatient and read the gist of what's gone on in the first four books. The subsequent episodes haven't been any less entertaining to me.

My favorite part is the unnecessary and over the top graphic scenes in each episode.

If I were to explain some examples, anyone with common sense would think I were making it up. It's pretty funny when put into print.

I will post some highlights of my favorite unnecessarily graphic scenes, in order *****SPOILERS*******

- the gladiator beheading his own horse.

- the doggystyle rape scene between Danyerus and Drogo

- the slurping sound effects in the BJ scene

- when that guy was sitting at his desk writing something talking about the 'old days' while taking breaks to direct two whores into doing anal.

- Danyerus wolfing down a horse's heart while smearing blood all over her face, and swallowing the vomit induced from eating a raw horse's heart.
- the gladiator beheading his own horse.

- the doggystyle rape scene between Danyerus and Drogo

- the slurping sound effects in the BJ scene

- when that guy was sitting at his desk writing something talking about the 'old days' while taking breaks to direct two whores into doing anal.

- Danyerus wolfing down a horse's heart while smearing blood all over her face, and swallowing the vomit induced from eating a raw horse's heart.

- viserys getting his arm broken than receiving his golden crown...he's no dragon

that part was satisfying, at least for me

i like the actor who plays Tyrion Lannister, "A Lannister always pays his debts"
I very much enjoyed this King Robert scene:

*Robert backhands Cersei*
Cersei: .... I'll wear this as a badge of honor.
Robert: Be quiet or I'll honor you again.

Also Syrio's lessons with Arya are really satisfying.
- Craig
A few random thoughts on tonight's episode:

-They seem to be making Robb into a bit more of a man... more sure of himself. I suppose that goes with aging the kids up, but I was surprised to see him saying lines that were Catelyn's in the book (especially "this is Sansa's hand, but Cersei's words").
-I was a bit disappointed that Barristan Selmy didn't beat up a few gold cloaks on his march out as he did in the book. That was just one of those little things that I was hoping to see.
-They kept the random Hodor nudity? Really? I could've gone my whole life without seeing that.

I'm looking forward to the introduction of Shae next episode. Should be good.