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Game Of Thrones

They have the time left for the show that they accepted. I know I would have much rather had 10 episodes for this and next season. It's pretty much the most popular show there has ever been. If they can't make money making more shows then they are dump as ****. There is no excuses. They want less shows, they need to keep quality for the number of shows they decided on. They are delivering the action, but action is not the backbone of this series. The storytelling has suffered.

Their excuse is that they had to wait until winter to start shooting this season.
The other inconsistency I'm struggling with is that the wights obviously fear the water, but they were somehow able to go attach chains to Viserion at the bottom of the frozen lake, not even considering the question of where they got those enormous chains in the first place. The Night King should have just resurrected the dragon while it was in the lake and had it swim up to the surface.
The other inconsistency I'm struggling with is that the wights obviously fear the water, but they were somehow able to go attach chains to Viserion at the bottom of the frozen lake, not even considering the question of where they got those enormous chains in the first place. The Night King should have just resurrected the dragon while it was in the lake and had it swim up to the surface.
Could be the white walkers themselves can go into the water to attach chains.

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It really is a different show now. It isn't about building an epic world with interesting characters. It's about dragons fighting zombies. There are a million things that don't add up and it's getting worse and worse in that area. Doesn't mean the show isn't entertaining, but it's simply not the same show/

I just hope the books arrive and are better than the show.
Have read all the spoilers until 8/6. Cannot say that I'm impressed but I hope they're fake or they change it due to leakage.

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It really is a different show now. It isn't about building an epic world with interesting characters. It's about dragons fighting zombies. There are a million things that don't add up and it's getting worse and worse in that area. Doesn't mean the show isn't entertaining, but it's simply not the same show/

I just hope the books arrive and are better than the show.

Well you gotta give it to the common folk waiting for action scenes in every freaking episode. They have waited for Winter a lot more than us, having no idea about what the subtexts were, who affected what. Now they can enjoy some wroaaaaa and some broooaaarr.

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The writing is just sloppy now. You cant get too hung up on it. Like the Sansa/Arya story-line currently? It feels forced, like everything story-line has been this season. I doubt Arya would be this hung up over this after all she has learned.

They have the time left for the show that they accepted. I know I would have much rather had 10 episodes for this and next season. It's pretty much the most popular show there has ever been. If they can't make money making more shows then they are dump as ****. There is no excuses. They want less shows, they need to keep quality for the number of shows they decided on. They are delivering the action, but action is not the backbone of this series. The storytelling has suffered.

I'm wondering who was in charge of HBO programming when this all went down and if it's the same guy as when TD season 2 was being written and then filmed, because in reading abut TD season 3, the new guy in charge basically told Nic Pizzolatto and David Milch to take as much time as they need with the scripts and t get it right. They're not being rushed. That's the smart way to go imo though each TD season is a stand alone season so it's a different animal to consider.
I'm wondering who was in charge of HBO programming when this all went down and if it's the same guy as when TD season 2 was being written and then filmed, because in reading abut TD season 3, the new guy in charge basically told Nic Pizzolatto and David Milch to take as much time as they need with the scripts and t get it right. They're not being rushed. That's the smart way to go imo though each TD season is a stand alone season so it's a different animal to consider.

lmao. Time isn't going to help those trash writers for TD. Only Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey can save them.

I'm sure the GoT contracts are probably more complicated than we know (they also may have started it thinking GRRM would have finished the books by now). The writers have had the books to guide them most of the way. Can they really be trusted to write true to the books without taking forever to get to where they need to go? Do we really want to see a few more seasons of TV writers trying their best impersonation of GRRM's writing? It's probably just safer to take it in the direction they took it in. Makes it easier to wrap up and put out something entertaining.
It really is a different show now. It isn't about building an epic world with interesting characters. It's about dragons fighting zombies. There are a million things that don't add up and it's getting worse and worse in that area. Doesn't mean the show isn't entertaining, but it's simply not the same show/

I just hope the books arrive and are better than the show.

I just think writing dialogue and story around the "Good vs Evil" premise is very difficult to make interesting. GoT has been a story about people vs people, which leaves plenty of room for nuance, motivations, and plot twist. Now it's just "Well we all need to team up or this super powerful entity whose motivation is to wipe out humanity will kill us all".
I just think writing dialogue and story around the "Good vs Evil" premise is very difficult to make interesting. GoT has been a story about people vs people, which leaves plenty of room for nuance, motivations, and plot twist. Now it's just "Well we all need to team up or this super powerful entity whose motivation is to wipe out humanity will kill us all".

Yeah, I'm far less interested in the battle with the Night King than I am the internal politics in Westeros. I'm not sure there's a super satisfying ending coming here. I highly doubt the Night King wins and wipes out humanity, so what's that leave? Dragons burning **** down, knights with valarian swords chopping dead people up and turning wight walkers into shards of ice or whatever.

And is it me or is the smartest person in the known universe not being particularly helpful this season. I''m looking at you, Bran.
Yeah, I'm far less interested in the battle with the Night King than I am the internal politics in Westeros. I'm not sure there's a super satisfying ending coming here. I highly doubt the Night King wins and wipes out humanity, so what's that leave? Dragons burning **** down, knights with valarian swords chopping dead people up and turning wight walkers into shards of ice or whatever.

And is it me or is the smartest person in the known universe not being particularly helpful this season. I''m looking at you, Bran.

I think they take care of the Night King with the first few episodes of season 8 and then the rest will be back to the Iron Throne story lines.

And I would be scared as **** to write about Bran if I was a TV writer. How do you handle him? He is basically just a huge exposition tool. I think he is a kind of character that is basically impossible to deal with outside of a book setting.
Maybe one of the undead giants did it? They did have chains when they used mammoth to attack the wall?

Could be. But then having a giant or two help pull the dragon up would have made sense. Given how heavy the giants are, it's more likely the ice would have just broken the minute a giant set foot on it.
In fairness, it's awfully difficult to pull off 75+ hours of cinematic production and maintain the high standards throughout. And aren't we beyond the scope of the books at this point? I think the writers are just winging it episode by episode at this point.

The leaked scripts from Season 7 that came out months ago appear to be accurate so far. I've seen a bit about Season 8 scripts that have leaked as well.

I think the larger goal at this point is to create a series of epic scenes and play on the uncertainty of who lives, who dies week by week. We're past the character-development phase. Now it's just a series of cliff hangers.

The main theme seems to be that some characters are selfless and heroic enough to take on the white walkers, while others are selfish and cowardly wanting to protect their own power and interests. The cast is divided into these two camps, and the question is whether the good guys will win in the end.
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I just think writing dialogue and story around the "Good vs Evil" premise is very difficult to make interesting. GoT has been a story about people vs people, which leaves plenty of room for nuance, motivations, and plot twist. Now it's just "Well we all need to team up or this super powerful entity whose motivation is to wipe out humanity will kill us all".

Why are you talking about Trump?

Just look at how much time this must all take and how much money it cost. Got to appreciate how tough it is to film in a place like Iceland.
Have read all the spoilers until 8/6. Cannot say that I'm impressed but I hope they're fake or they change it due to leakage.


Did you read 8/6 as well? I could only find 8/1-8/5 and was pissed at how it ended...it better be not true.
I just think writing dialogue and story around the "Good vs Evil" premise is very difficult to make interesting. GoT has been a story about people vs people, which leaves plenty of room for nuance, motivations, and plot twist. Now it's just "Well we all need to team up or this super powerful entity whose motivation is to wipe out humanity will kill us all".

There was potential in the theories that the Night King wasn't evil. I actually hope the books take this turn because it is a much more interesting story than the Good vs Evil dilemma you mentioned. GoT was great because of the complexity of the characters, but it isn't there anymore. The only character I find interesting anymore is Jamie, and they all but squandered his story by magically saving him in the lake. Now he has plot armor. Seriously, everybody/everything that falls in a lake is 100% safe this season.