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Game Of Thrones

I am fully convinced and holding out for next season when:

The red hair crazy fire lady is bringing Jon Snow back to life because she knows his mom Lyanna Stark and his dad is Rhaegar Targarian

uses johns pool of kings blood to do more magic, or rez's him to suck his hair curls. downstairs.
Just watched the finale. Forgot about it last night.

I'll say one thing: Lena Headey is one brave actress.

And yeah, I'm not convinced Jon isn't gonna come back... I smell a Melisandre resurrection.

There's mounds of evidence stating he's really dead, and will be dead. Only one solid peace of evidence saying he'll be back; he has salary options for season 6.

I hope he's back, even if I think he's a poor actor. The action at the wall is just too exciting.
Yup. I am also one that has not read the books so I DO NOT give a **** if they have followed them or not. GOT has done an exemplary job this season and the last 3 episodes were god damn great. Cersei has great **** and an adorable ***.

I understand cutting people and things bc it's a show, what annoys me is how much they changed the characters. Stannis is supposed to be an honorable, calculating, very good general, but he gets outsmarted by Ramsay Bolton, gets a few horses killed and sacrifices his daughter? Not logical.

Or how they made Cersei actually appear intelligent when in the books shes a bumbling idiot with no awareness. I could go on, and on, but I'm just not impressed with the writers/directors.
There's mounds of evidence stating he's really dead, and will be dead. Only one solid peace of evidence saying he'll be back; he has salary options for season 6.

I hope he's back, even if I think he's a poor actor. The action at the wall is just too exciting.

There's far more evidence he's coming back than not.
Trying to break the show into a predictable sciences absolutely kills it.

Don't be that guy.

You said there's only one piece of evidence he's coming back, I would argue that. You're the one who started this line of thinking, so forgive me for continuing your line while proving you wrong.
The actor who plays Jon might not be back but I think he will be back in some way or another. Either himself, zombie self, as a white walker or gets moved to the wolf or some other body.

I know the actor said he is dead and not coming back but he said it in a way like he didnt really know what was happening. He just said his character is dead. That doesnt mean he wont come back be resurrected or something else happen to him. I would really be surprised if they just did nothing else with Jon Snow. But this show is willing to do that so who knows.

I hope Jon becomes a leader of the white walkers and is reborn with some ice dragon or something and leads a huge war against Dany and her dragons.
I understand cutting people and things bc it's a show, what annoys me is how much they changed the characters. Stannis is supposed to be an honorable, calculating, very good general, but he gets outsmarted by Ramsay Bolton, gets a few horses killed and sacrifices his daughter? Not logical.

Or how they made Cersei actually appear intelligent when in the books shes a bumbling idiot with no awareness. I could go on, and on, but I'm just not impressed with the writers/directors.

If you have expectations that the tv show will match the books you are going to be disappointed. That is the case anytime a book gets made into a movie or tv show. Makes it much better if you dont have expectations and just view it as its own piece not the same. Plus anytime you read a book your imagination is going to make the characters into exactly what you want, then when it gets played out with actors its going to be different than what you pictured them as.
You said there's only one piece of evidence he's coming back, I would argue that. You're the one who started this line of thinking, so forgive me for continuing your line while proving you wrong.

Don't argue with me. Argue with the nerds breaking down all possible scenarios and painting the chess board with GRRM on the other side.
They ruined Dorne. Where was Arianne Martell? I couldn't figure which Sand Snake was which and why would they kill Myrcella? Doran was underwhelming.
The actor who plays Jon might not be back but I think he will be back in some way or another. Either himself, zombie self, as a white walker or gets moved to the wolf or some other body.

I know the actor said he is dead and not coming back but he said it in a way like he didnt really know what was happening. He just said his character is dead. That doesnt mean he wont come back be resurrected or something else happen to him. I would really be surprised if they just did nothing else with Jon Snow. But this show is willing to do that so who knows.

I hope Jon becomes a leader of the white walkers and is reborn with some ice dragon or something and leads a huge war against Dany and her dragons.

I for one hope Jon comes back as a white walker and **** them all up.
Could somebody knowledgeable please tell me why Petyr would let Sansa marry Ramsay, and let him do what he did to her?

I thought Petyr cared for her mother & rescued her away from Kings Landings when Joffrey was murdered?

That whole story line's a bit muddy for me. Is it more detailed in the book?
Could somebody knowledgeable please tell me why Petyr would let Sansa marry Ramsay, and let him do what he did to her? I thought Petyr cared for her mother & rescued her away from Kings Landings when Joffrey was murdered? That whole story line's a bit muddy for me. Is it more detailed in the book?

Much. In the book, this variation does not exist, at all. They take a childhood friend of Sana (Jeyne Poole) and claim she is Arya Stark (the little sister) to marry Ramsay... who then is rescued, to a degree, by Theon Greyjoy. And Petyr is plotting a wedding of Sansa with an heir of Arryn (Harold Hardyng, yea... who?) so that she has a claim to the throne.

Who knows what the director of the TV series wants to show here, other than that Bolton is base and ruthless. He was far worse to Jeyne Poole in the book... and Theon did more than just watch.

Book 5 varied significantly from the HBO series, and it will be interesting to see if/how they pull things back together.

Maybe more interest would be to know how much the series has/is altering book 6, Winds of Winter. Martin is taking forever to finish it, it isn't done and they're filming HBO season 6... so I think we'll never know how much the HBO series caused the book to change to fit the divergence... Martin has said he wants to publish book 6 before the series airs, but it won't be before it is shot.

And there is to be a book 7... A Dream of Spring, which has no chance of being written before the series. I'm guessing he is just outlining the big picture... but this is going to be a mess. HBO/directors will probably have more to say about how the series finishes than Martin, to a degree. Too much money, a huge hit and the budget and schedule all tied up... the screenwriters are going to be getting an outline, and finishing the scenes. If you're a fan of the books, I think it likely HBO is controlling more than you would want, as they work to a schedule, while Martin has taken his time to finish.
Could somebody knowledgeable please tell me why Petyr would let Sansa marry Ramsay, and let him do what he did to her?

I thought Petyr cared for her mother & rescued her away from Kings Landings when Joffrey was murdered?

That whole story line's a bit muddy for me. Is it more detailed in the book?
Littlefinger was in love with Cat and he does love his daughter and he kisses her in order to satisfy at least a portion of his one sided love gor Cat as he sees Sansa like a model of her mother's youth. But he does not love anyone or anything more than his leverages, lobbies, intelligences.

I post therefore I am...
Much. In the book, this variation does not exist, at all. They take a childhood friend of Sana (Jeyne Poole) and claim she is Arya Stark (the little sister) to marry Ramsay... who then is rescued, to a degree, by Theon Greyjoy. And Petyr is plotting a wedding of Sansa with an heir of Arryn (Harold Hardyng, yea... who?) so that she has a claim to the throne.

Who knows what the director of the TV series wants to show here, other than that Bolton is base and ruthless. He was far worse to Jeyne Poole in the book... and Theon did more than just watch.

Book 5 varied significantly from the HBO series, and it will be interesting to see if/how they pull things back together.

Maybe more interest would be to know how much the series has/is altering book 6, Winds of Winter. Martin is taking forever to finish it, it isn't done and they're filming HBO season 6... so I think we'll never know how much the HBO series caused the book to change to fit the divergence... Martin has said he wants to publish book 6 before the series airs, but it won't be before it is shot.

And there is to be a book 7... A Dream of Spring, which has no chance of being written before the series. I'm guessing he is just outlining the big picture... but this is going to be a mess. HBO/directors will probably have more to say about how the series finishes than Martin, to a degree. Too much money, a huge hit and the budget and schedule all tied up... the screenwriters are going to be getting an outline, and finishing the scenes. If you're a fan of the books, I think it likely HBO is controlling more than you would want, as they work to a schedule, while Martin has taken his time to finish.

It's actually kinda cool I think to have a different/alternative 'ending' in the book vs in the series/film. I remembered really not liking the ending to Gone Girl the book and wanted the film to have another ending, but unfortunately the Director stuck with the same ending.

PS: Big thank you to Wes/QSH for 'willing' me to read the book, it was an enjoyable read.
It's actually kinda cool I think to have a different/alternative 'ending' in the book vs in the series/film. I remembered really not liking the ending to Gone Girl the book and wanted the film to have another ending, but unfortunately the Director stuck with the same ending.

PS: Big thank you to Wes/QSH for 'willing' me to read the book, it was an enjoyable read.
Willing you to read the book? Singular?
You realize there is more than one game of thrones book right?