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Game Of Thrones

The Jon Snow birthing theory is the most obvious thing in the world. The books have obvious clues.

However, Gameface also missed a big reason why Melisandre would revive him. Actually, the biggest reason.

Jon Snow is Azor Ahai reborn.
Might I also add that GRRM can go suck a fat dick since he'll never finish, and I don't like the show. I don't want to learn what happens from the freaking show.
"she" serves the Lord of Light

We don't know that..

She SAYS she serves the lord of light. This could just be the means to an end.

The Crone represents wisdom and foresight, and carries a lantern(fire). She led Stannis around for at least 4 seasons and was right about just about everything. Being painfully wrong on multiple subjects all at once may just be her undoing.
OH ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That was kind of lame though. I wanted some fireworks/dramatics on his Resurrection. I just hope he kills that little kid who stabbed him. **** that kid.

Also seems like they are going to use Bran's flashbacks to tell Jon Snow's birth story.
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So Ramsay is going to get absolutely ****ed by giants when he tries to invade Castle Black, right? I think the only fitting death is for him to get smashed by a giant. That or Ghost eats him.
Best episode of the series in my opinion. Even without the resurrection... Which actually wasn't done a lot of justice.
Wut? Better than The Red Wedding? No way.

Well, maybe I need to step back from that statement a little.

I think what I really liked was two things, new stuff that wasn't in the books that was done well and got me excited for where the story was going. And, that they aren't going to drop the Greyjoy storyline. There is so much there from the books that I was worried they were just going to cut.

Plus dragons.

Agreed with Cy, the ending was a bit too low key for me... wanted a bit more fireworks there.

Also if she was able to do what she did for at the ending, why didn't she do the same for Stannis?!?! Not sure how believable her motivation is there to do what she did. She has had no real connection/relationship with JS. I also still don't see what's in it for her, it's not like JS has the motivation to rule, he has repeatedly said that all he wanted to do in this life was to be the knights watchmen.
I'd have resurrected him differently. I'd have her perform all of that and have nothing happen. Then I'd have them burn his body. But the fires don't kill him. They resurrect him and finish her spell. Episode ends with his eyes popping open.. Start next episode with him walking out of the fires to a startled crowd.

Agreed with Cy, the ending was a bit too low key for me... wanted a bit more fireworks there.

Also if she was able to do what she did for at the ending, why didn't she do the same for Stannis?!?! Not sure how believable her motivation is there to do what she did. She has had no real connection/relationship with JS. I also still don't see what's in it for her, it's not like JS has the motivation to rule, he has repeatedly said that all he wanted to do in this life was to be the knights watchmen.

If you want to do spoilers, just hit the quote tool and replace "quote" with "spoiler".
I feel the writing for the last 2 episodes has been subpar. Too many last-second saves, too many implausible actions by the characters (Davos casually seeking Melisandre's help for example), and eye-rolling use of gratituous violence (the dogs' scene induced at least 3 eye rolls). It's just not very GoTisque. The episodes were entertaining enough, but fell short of typical GoT quality.