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Game Thread 12/3/14. Toronto Raptors at Utah Jazz 7:00pm mtn. The return of Favors, maybe.


Well-Known Member
So favors might be back.

Jeremy Evans is doubtful.

Alec Burks is questionable.

So is Jazzfanz.
Burks is out?

Hopefully Hood starts. I really liked him in the starting lineup during the preseason. He gives us a shooter who can pull it quick without hesitating, which is something Burks struggles to do.

Sucks Burks is out though. I really feel like this is the month he is going to start to put his game together.
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UPDATE: Hood is likely to start.

Yup Burks is out tonight and friday. I hope Hood starts too, though we could see Exum.
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I want to see Ian Clark play too. Toure Murry was called up yesterday, he might see some burn. homeytennis get your lotion ready.
I really want the Jazz to win; I don't care what UGLI baby says.
I heard derozan was going to be out too
I mean did you not see the post right above yours?
What is the reason for Burks being out was his question I think.

I don't see a reason in the thread so far
If Hood has a good game that will only fan the flames of Burks being a 6th man. Hood's shooting could really help out our team, especially if Favors is in.
less booker more kanter and less quinn more corbin.

When did we get Quinn? I agree, though; Corbin dresses much better.

Slow starts, how to deal with them? TV crew has been documenting the comebacks made in these last losses. So with better starts we could win more.

We seem to start every game slow and sluggish and clunking every shot. I would suggest:

1. Get them out there early for intense 5 on 5, get them in a mode to compete and making shots in competition.

2. Mandate something like the first 3 shots must be dunks or layups, no jumpshots. Get them working hard from the start for good shots.

3. Mandate they get some fouls playing tough D early on, not stupid fouls but fouls from being very agressive.