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GAME THREAD: Los Angeles Lakers vs. Utah Jazz


Well-Known Member
Culture War!

*this is my first one so if I screwed it up or went out of turn, my bad*


Projected Starters -

D. Fisher 5.5
K. Bryant 29.5
M. Barnes 7.1
P. Gasol 16.1
A. Bynum 16.8

D. Harris 9.3
R. Bell 5.9
G. Hayward 9.6
P. Millsap 16.9
A. Jefferson 18.5



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There doesn't seem to be any excitement after the last few games. But come on people, it's the friggin Lakers! Wake up and start posting.
Possible, but I'm new here and this is my first one. You, on the other hand, have been here well over a year and your Clippers game thread was equivalent to an expired can of smashed a**holes. It really failed, hard. Seriously, I hope you punched yourself in the face for even creating that.

Lol, the force is strong with this one.
I know this looks like hind site, but i was really leery of the GS game and am not surprised at the outcome. However tonight's game against the Lakers is a totally different situation and i believe we have an
excellent chance at a victory. Go Jazz! It's also my hope that Harris and Bell need a couple more days, just to be sure. They could contact Boozer, i am sure he would advise them to sit out a few more games.
Possible, but I'm new here and this is my first one. You, on the other hand, have been here well over a year and your Clippers game thread was equivalent to an expired can of smashed a**holes. It really failed, hard. Seriously, I hope you punched yourself in the face for even creating that.

sorry buddy, but i was just talking trash about the clippers, i wasn't creating a game-thread. All of you guys are the ones that decided to make it that.
What does this game, or game thread have to do with Malone and Greg's argument?
I thought everything would stop while they work this out.

Oh, the Jazz better win... but I predict a close loss.
Jazz 80
Lakerz 109