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Gay marriage in Utah put on hold

If that's what my posts "sound" like to you, then your reading comprehension is a characteristic example of the flawed American education system that the whole world laughs at.

I simply noted your similarities with eugenicists with the phrasing about "public health risk", and then playing the dictator and granting permission to marry only if they "DESTROYED their reproductive organs."

If two siblings destroyed their reproductive organs prenuptially, and asked if they could get married, I would say yes. Wouldn't think twice.

Of course America's education system is flawed, because it has become a libtarded bastion of social engineering just like Canaduh's
I simply noted your similarities with eugenicists with the phrasing about "public health risk", and then playing the dictator and granting permission to marry only if they "DESTROYED their reproductive organs."

Of course America's education system is flawed, because it has become a libtarded bastion of social engineering just like Canaduh's

Right, so answering a hypothetical question counts as an endorsement.

That PearlWatson deductive reasoning

Edit: I'm glad you've found an explanation for the educational system that helps you sleep at night ;)
No I haven't looked into it. I said I'm not interested in an argument about it, just curious what research is out there on the same subject that would be credible.

The "haven't read" tidbit was directed to GVC, sorry about that. He mentioned that the paper wasn't a biased study cuz it came from a peer-reviewed journal.
Do you know that for a fact?

Yes, in the same way I know they would rather eat macaroni and cheese for dinner than have no food at all. Humans desire love, belonging, and security over a state of permanent not-really-belonging and having to change your family every couple of years so you and they don't get too attached. Perhaps that's not true for bipedal apes.
Two things: 1 - Why is government even in the marriage business, and 2 - I'm sick of Utah being called a "conservative" state. High taxes, government involvement in every aspect of our lives, etc. We are not a conservative state. You can have guns here and that is it.

It is considered a conservative state because about 76 percent of the population voted Republican and because of the conservative main religion in the state. The idea that either party doesn't spend is laughable. Neither party is conservative in how the gov't spends money. They just have differences on how they should spend the money.
It is considered a conservative state because about 76 percent of the population voted Republican and because of the conservative main religion in the state. The idea that either party doesn't spend is laughable. Neither party is conservative in how the gov't spends money. They just have differences on how they should spend the money.

and what they wish to control.
These people are dangerous

...not because they oppose gay marriage but because they are threatening the balance of powers that our courts provide. The respect for the courts and specifically the supreme court is what makes America work, imo. The idea that "Utah" should disregard the courts ruling is something that I think people from both sides of this issue should oppose in the strongest terms.

...not because they oppose gay marriage but because they are threatening the balance of powers that our courts provide. The respect for the courts and specifically the supreme court is what makes America work, imo. The idea that "Utah" should disregard the courts ruling is something that I think people from both sides of this issue should oppose in the strongest terms.


I had an argument, he was rude so it wasn't a debate, with a guy that argued that the ruling f the judge in fact did not legalize gay marriage in Utah as the Judge that struck down the law as unconstitutional did not have the authority to make such a ruling. That he was not permitted to rule on what was or was not constitutional.

I simply said, well he did and society will recognize that. So hold firm to your argument when Homo marriages start happening in Utah.
I implore you to look into any negative impacts or repercussions from this decision.

I already gave you public nudity and I'm pretty sure if they put burkas and other coverings on their women Muslim's don't find that moral, but then again they don't find homosexuality moral either.

You don't really mean "any" but you continue to punt on what you do mean by this so unless you are going to stand for "any"thing you can drop your empty drivel.
I already gave you public nudity


1) Please expound on the reasoning behind what you cite as a complete causal relationship between the legalization of homosexual marriage and the increased appearance of those who are display their nudity publicly.
2) Been living in Canada since 1995 in a city with a population of around one million people. I have yet to see a single nude person. This applies to most that I know. I'm a college student, living in by-far the most liberal region of my province.

and I'm pretty sure if they put burkas and other coverings on their women Muslim's don't find that moral, but then again they don't find homosexuality moral either.

your wording is confusing. Pls don't get rattled, and communicate clearly. Thanks in advance. Try again if you want.

You don't really mean "any" but you continue to punt on what you do mean by this so unless you are going to stand for "any"thing you can drop your empty drivel.

You clearly know nothing about what I 'mean' with my posts, so I'm not going to cease my empty drivel that continues to embarrass you ad-nauseum.
Anyone noticed the downwards spiral of morality that Canada has been in since 2005? No?

Naked protests, reminiscent of homosexual pride parades, over tuition hikes doesn't exactly boost your "point."


1) Please expound on the reasoning behind what you cite as a complete causal relationship between the legalization of homosexual marriage and the increased appearance of those who are display their nudity publicly.

You clearly know nothing about what I 'mean' with my posts, so I'm not going to cease my empty drivel that continues to embarrass you ad-nauseum.

Another punt. You still haven't explained what you mean when you talk of the "downward spiral of morality."

Of course I don't know what you mean BECAUSE it is empty drivel but you certainly don't mean "any."

I could throw "any" moral deficits seen in Canada since 2005 but since you haven't defined "morality" and you won't stand behind "any"thing all you have to do is say, "that doesn't count."

Define "morality" or stop the drivel.
Another punt. You still haven't explained what you mean when you talk of the "downward spiral of morality."

Of course I don't know what you mean BECAUSE it is empty drivel but you certainly don't mean "any."

I could throw "any" moral deficits seen in Canada since 2005 but since you haven't defined "morality" and you won't stand behind "any"thing all you have to do is say, "that doesn't count."

Define "morality" or stop the drivel.

Why would I define morality if I ask you several questions in my posts, and you persistently ignore them?
But pls, keep throwing examples of Canada's moral decay from your perspective. I won't tell you that they don't count-- I'll tell you that they're either incorrect, or your interpretations are incorrect.
Why would I define morality?

Because you are making the empty drivel claims, and if you defined it you would show some substance, but like siro you are too much of a coward to stand for anything.

But pls, keep throwing examples of Canada's moral decay from your perspective. I won't tell you that they don't count-- I'll tell you that they're either incorrect, or your interpretations are incorrect.

Same thing.