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General TV shows thread


Well-Known Member
Hey I'm just trying to find and discover new TV shows, so i think it'll be cool to post what everyone likes.

1.What are your favorite current tv shows?
Boardwalk Empire (what did you guys think about the characters at the end of season 2?)
Game of thrones
The Wire
The Walking Dead
Conan, Craig ferguson late late night
Law of Order

2. Favorite cartoons or episode.
Ugly Americans
South Park
Family Guy
Classic Simpsons
Adventure Time

3.Shows are you excited to see in the near future.
Wilfred (season 2)

4. Shows that were intriguing.
American Horror Story
Lights Out (FX)

5. Favorite Classics.
The first seasons of Without a Trace

6. Cancelled shows

7. Favorite cartoons as a child.
Arthur (PBS)
Static Shock
Jackie Chan Adventures
Power rangers
VR troopers
Old school spiderman

8. Worst TV Shows you have ever seen.
Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz
Jersey Shore
Tosh.O <<Funny videos, but unoriginal commentary.
16 & pregnant

9. Reality TV shows you like.
The Amazing Race
Auditions from AGT.
Best Dance Crew (MTV)
Restaurant Impossible
Ultimate Fighter

10. Youtube
Anything posted by Prodigy
Classic MadTV episodes

I think it'll be cool if people just talked about how they felt about certain shows.
*don't forget to warn people about spoilers*
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I've been watching The Wire non-stop for the past two weeks.

That reminds me, I have all the seasons of The Wire and really need to start watching them.

I enjoy Game of Thrones although the books are far better.

Breaking Bad is fantastic.

Sons of Anarchy is a really fun show.

Arrested Development will ever get old.
Programs I like:

Deadliest Journeys

30 on 30 ESPN docs - The Chris Herren story(I teared up a little during this one - not going to lie), Ronald Dupree story, and Bob Hurley Sr./St. Anthonys story being my favorites.

Impractical Jokers

Shark Tank/Dragon's Den

Strangers in Danger

No Reservations

Man vs. Wild

Dual Survival

Fantasy Factory

South Park
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How do you mention 30 for 30 without talking about "The U". One of the best there was, and there's a lot of good ones.

/Duck, you read Miracle at St. Anthony's?
Family Ties
Full House
Silver Spoons
Night Court
threes company
different strokes
Fall guy
Doogie Houser md
mr belvedere
golden girls
Charles in Charge
Punky Brewster.

oh and Cheers.
Swamp People
Mountain Men
Deadliest Catch
Dance Moms
Walking Dead
Scrubs (pre-2008)
Strangers in Danger

. . . and the one where they send the guy around the world.
I don't watch much TV outside of Jazz games. I still watch the Office, even though it's declined considerably the last few years. I watch The Voice and The X Factor, and that's really about it.
I Shouldn't Be Alive
My Fair Wedding
Lie to Me
Switched at Birth
The Guild

So You Think You Can Dance?
Master Chef
The Choice
Take Me Out
Other than Louie and Wilfred, I barely go out of my way to watch any TV any more.

Family Guy is still hilarious at times but pretty much hit or miss at this point. Last season's Sons of Anarchy was a big **** you to its audience. Always Sunny has basically run out of ideas. Boardwalk Empire killed off its most interesting character at the end of last season.

I liked the first season of Girls and VEEP on HBO - we'll see where that goes.
Current shows I am following:

Breaking Bad
Walking Dead
Modern Family
The Office
Boardwalk Empire
Curb Your Enthusiasm
House of Lies
Always Sunny In Philly
Madmen is perfect. The walking dead is stupid but entertaining. It's always sunny in Philadelphia is the funniest show on tv. Dance moms is hilarious.

Holy ****, all of this x 457894754
did anyone else see the preview for Sons of Anarchy during the UFC fights on FX?

I watch hardly any TV. There are only two shows that I watch regularly: NCIS and NCIS Los Angeles. I do enjoy Duck Dynasty though (kind of surprised no one else has mentioned this).