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ginsburg hospitalized needs to retire!

she fell at the supreme court and broke 3 ribs
hope for a speedy recovery! she stood by kavanaugh!
whether you are left right up down socialist or libertarian, doesn't matter. she is to old for her job.

if she was at home enjoying her grandchildren this would not have happened.

hope for a speedy recovery! she stood by kavanaugh!
Shes a Bad *** where all credits due. She broke 3 Ribs in a fall and went home and only sought medical attention after discomfort.
I heard this is all a ploy so she doesn't have to run the risk of being alone with Brett Cavanaugh.

Apparently he suggested a Devil's Triangle with Clarence Thomas.

Oh wait, that's a drinking game.
She's a class act for sure. A shining example of what a human being should be. She is committed to principles she believes in, including true human rights.

Not gonna be a gain for conservatives to have another chest-thumping hypocrite statist with an R dipped in globalist crap.

The nerves fail in old age along with the bones, ears, eyes, mind and every vital organ. She's nothing but a reflex like a frog leg severed and jumped with an electric shock. She's gonna rule yesterday. No, wait.... forty years ago.... on every issue. Well, no..… her clerks will write what they think she'd like. Then she'll blink and everyone will think it's her own work.

So the D party and progressives have marched on over the hill. She doesn't even belong to the new order.

But she'll keep on keepin' on, with her oxygen tank and resuscitator and the heart-jumpin' defibrillator in the back room, pumped up with a dozen or more regimens of anti-aging drugs and vitamins, just to please her frantic heartless, lying, criminal lefty ideologues who would kill to keep Trump from making another appointment.

Mark Levin has a good idea. An amendment term-limiting Supreme Court judges. Oh, say ten years and done. Just different enough, or long enough, so at least three elections go into the politics of selection.....outta sync with the Presidency itself or the Senate.

and ya..... term limit the Senate to 3 terms and done, the House to four terms and done.

And make all federal agency jobs above janitor term-limited as well. Oh, say five years. About the same as the better research lab techs who actually have the gumption to go get a real job and actually support a family.

enough of dynasty politics already.
Yeah, right! Good one, lol....

Her trainer would also get a kick out of your opinion:


ha ha. none of that means she's functional, mentally. She really believes in human rights, in her own mind..... but doesn't see the incongruity inherent in the despotic false "liberalism" of her political devotions. That's just insane.

But hey, maybe I should believe this report about her routine maintenance. It's just proof of what Alex Jones says.

Alex Jones talks about the dreams of globalists with AI coming and the best health expertise in the world, all cutting edge, being able to keep old monster demon-libs alive nearly forever. Honestly, my faith in Alex was shaken tremendously when David Rockefeller died. But then we hear Hillary is planning a comeback to do her eight years as President. Yes, it's still her turn. I think Obama will be her Veep. No way is Obama done with all that.

But all that is just why we need term-limited SCOTUS. And 15 Justices. So each eight years we get 5 new ones, and every 24 years it's all done. 3 for one election cycles of 4 years, two the second, and so on.

But no more political party hacks. The tenth amendment should be applied to the SCOTUS, and there should be no rulings on anything that was supposedly left "to the States, or to the People". As in the federal government has no legitimate power to do anything that is not explicitly defined within the Constitution.

No more social justice warriors, no more progressives, no more MIC hacks. A justice like Roberts who makes up legislative language to be able to make a tax outta a health care plan with no Constitutional basis should just be impeached. Right now we have about seven justices that need to be impeached. Including Ginzberg and Kavenaugh. No more talk of legislating from the bench, no more "Administrative Courts" or Agency Courts making and judging and enforcing their own laws.

you're such a nitwit, Red. Treating your lib news like some kinda bible.

just a clapping clown for the Progressive Agenda.

I haven't seen you stand up for any kind of principled human rights for US citizens yet. Always cheering for managerial excellence imposed on us by your fav gurus.

The idea of limited governance, limited government, is all that stands between us and tyranny.

But even the ghoulish campaign of Hillary, with her special glasses and special assistants to prop her up when she toppled, with Comey being as blind as a bat about her crimes, and everybody ignoring her cold-blooded heartlessness about losing one of her most reliable servants in Benghazi..... Uranium One and other deals netting her hundreds of millions in payola from foreign guvmints, and outright collusion paying Russian agents to make up campaign lies and open up avenues for spying on her political opponents via FISA court warrants..... none of all that even fazes you.

For the "Progressives"..... really "regressives" working to bring us back to medieval feudalism and liege servitude and outright slavery.... every lie is justified if it helps "the cause".

and you not only believe all those lies, you love them.
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you're such a nitwit, Red. Treating your lib news like some kinda bible

Naw, much too personal. You don't know me at all, and there is no reason to keep pretending that you do.

just a clapping clown for the Progressive Agenda.

Again, you're indulging in fantasies.

I haven't seen you stand up for any kind of principled human rights for US citizens yet. Always cheering for managerial excellence imposed on us by your fav gurus.

How about "no man is above the law"? That's the basic thrust of every comment I've rendered where your hero is concerned.

For the "Progressives"..... really "regressives" working to bring us back to medieval feudalism and liege servitude and outright slavery.... every lie is justified if it helps "the cause".

and you not only believe all those lies, you love them.

OK, if it makes you feel good, and all snug and warm in your little cocoon. I can only speak for myself, but there can't be many people here who have the slightest idea what you're talking about. "Do unto others what you would have them do unto you". My goodness, how very radical of me. "No man, including your conspiracy saturated leader, is above the law". God, what a nutjob I am....
When you consistently misrepresent basic facts about me, and then try to twist what I said to turn your own delusional and inconsistent variable "facts" into it, it's useless to try to discuss anything, actually.

I'm the one who said the biblical aphorism about doing to others what you would want them to do you could be helpful, and have taken the consistent position that no one is above the law. CNN and your other often quoted "Resistance" sources have not done that. You don't do it either.

I've never been much of a Trump chump. Started out wondering why he was running for Pres, when he called his friends Bill and Hillary to let them know he was in it. He donated millions to them, you know. Was he just Hillary's Perot, like Bill in 1992 divided the R party? Well..... looks like he is the kind who just doesn't play to lose.

Still, if you wanna use him for a Hitler stand-in, I haven't seen anything credible that really goes that far. So far, it looks like he doesn't wanna be anything more than a good Pres doing rational things to address some current problems, from the point of view that America, the US I mean, should not just do the global jig and become a third-world country.

You deny being a Marxist, but you cheer for much of what Marx considered essential developments in "The Struggle" towards his vision of a deterministic future. Nah, you're just not being honest with yourself. And you're not being honest in your characterizations of me.

I believe Ruth Bader Ginsberg is irrational and living in an incoherent set of values. She needs to retire, even if her trainer says she's still doing well physically. She is nicer than most liberals today though. She treats her peers with more respect than the political class today will.