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Give me the TL;DR on this season


Moderator Emeritus
For a variety of reasons it's been pretty hard for me to keep up this year. From the handful of games I could catch it seemed like Rubio was under performing, Donovan Mitchell looked pretty spicy, and the Jazz were losing a lot.

Suddenly we're killing good teams and on a win streak. I don't know enough to digest this.

What's the TL;DR?
Timeline of the soap...

Gaywarts gone. Everyone is pissed. Gaytwat gets hurt bad. No one cares.

D Mitch drafted, Jazz pumped, d Mitch dunks on everyone and looks like an all star that is already better than "gordon traitortaint' did in his 7th season.

Rubio arrives. Quin confuses rubio. Rubio sucks balls. Rubio works hard. Rubio improves, Rubio looks like he is actually understanding quins system after 50 games.

Gobert in, gobert out, Jazz suck, gobert returns, gobert out, Jazz suck again. Gobert returns again, Jazz return to 2015 post all star break form where we lead the league in offensive and defensive stats for 2.5 months. In the process jazz win 7 of their last 8 games including wins over spurs in San antone, warriors biggest loss of the season, and Toronto in raptorlandia.

As a reminder, the Jazz missed the 2015 playoffs by a tie breaker. Jazz working to rectify that in 2018. Should be a fun race back to 2015 form. It appears that we could have just fast tracked our rebuild via d Mitch, healthy gobert, and quin learning castellano to be able to communicate to Rubio who was on our team and who was not so the turnovers would finally turn into assists.

Season ending episode in the soap drama... is this a Jekyll and Hyde team?
Can the jazz stay healthy?
Will Rubio continue to grow or return to intl spoiled radish status?
Will spida become the reigning dunk champ and ROY?
Will the jazz catch the 2 of the 5 teams ahead of us: boogerless pelicans (aka most fearsome team name in the league), clippissers less cp3 and strawberry short blake, buttnuggets, cj/Damian and the others... who are all within 3.5 games?
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Mitchell rendered all former players moot.
Rudy and Ricky have not yet become best-case.
Injuries still rule the day.
Timeline of the soap...

Gaywarts gone. Everyone is pissed. Gaytwat gets hurt bad. No one cares.

D Mitch drafted, Jazz pumped, d Mitch dunks on everyone and looks like an all star that is already better than "gordon traitortaint' did in his 7th season.

Rubio arrives. Quin confuses rubio. Rubio sucks balls. Rubio works hard. Rubio improves, Rubio looks like he is actually understanding quins system after 50 games.

Gobert in, gobert out, Jazz suck, gobert returns, gobert out, Jazz suck again. Gobert returns again, Jazz return to 2015 post all star break form where we lead the league in offensive and defensive stats for 2.5 months. In the process jazz win 7 of their last 8 games including wins over spurs in San antone, warriors biggest loss of the season, and Toronto in raptorlandia.

As a reminder, the Jazz missed the 2015 playoffs by a tie breaker. Jazz working to rectify that in 2018. Should be a fun race back to 2015 form. It appears that we could have just fast tracked our rebuild via d Mitch, healthy gobert, and quin learning castellano to be able to communicate to Rubio who was on our team and who was not so the turnovers would finally turn into assists.

Season ending episode in the soap drama... is this a Jekyll and Hyde team?
Can the jazz stay healthy?
Will Rubio continue to grow or return to intl spoiled radish status?
Will spida become the reigning dunk champ and ROY?
Will the jazz catch the 2 of the 5 teams ahead of us: boogerless pelicans (aka most fearsome team name in the league), clippissers less cp3 and strawberry short blake, buttnuggets, cj/Damian and the others... who are all within 3.5 games?

Ricky is Catalan i believe. Also what is a TL;DR when its at home?
There was a playoff bus that turned into a tank that turned into a playoff bus that turned into a tank there is a playoff bus again.
Without Rudy we have a losing record and a bottom 5 defense. With Rudy we have a winning record and a top 3 defense.
Injury bug is still biting us.
Rubio is a highly effective player when he has the ball in his hands. As an off ball offensive player he tends to struggle. Which isn't really surprising.
Royce O'Neale is the yearly outta nowhere diamond in the rough find DL seems to always come up with.
Donovan Spida Mitchell is having a historic rookie season and looks like he'll end up being one of the best players in the entire NBA in a few years. Mitchell > Betrayward.
December and January were brutal. Rudy was out and the Jazz were getting worked every night, except for a few shocking wins like v. Boston in Boston. It was one of the dreariest stretches in my Jazz fandom history. (In part because of the drop-off from last season.) The numbers suggested that a Gobert/Favors/Rubio trio was disastrous. Rubio isn't an offensive threat, so teams packed the paint and Utah floundered big time. It was ugly. Guys seemed to have given up on the team. Then trade deadline chatter kicked in, which seemed to further splinter the team. The one bright spot was the emergence of Mitchell. One of the most exciting rookies we've had, ever. But the team was still losing. I get depressed enough that I no longer wear my lucky Jazz socks on game days. In the middle of all that Gobert sends out a simple tweet.

"we will be fine"

He's mocked for it. But when he gets back from the injury, things start to turn for the better. Rubio turns a corner somehow, starts making shots, starts making layups (more important than his outside shooting, imo). This clears space. Favors and Gobert click. Ingles breaks out of his month-long slump (said to have been playing through injuries). Hood is injured, misses a number of games after being frustrated, and even booed by some fans at Vivint. His name circulates along with Favors in trade rumors. But the team starts winning again. We still drop a few weird games, like v. Atlanta. Weirdly, though, we start winning crazy games like in Toronto, San Antonio, against the Warriors. Mentally, I'm still on edge watching the Jazz up twenty points, waiting for some kind of epic collapse that never comes. I'm wearing my game day socks again.

Now: The trade deadline looms. I don't even know what I want to happen right now.
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Perhaps the most astonishing development; each time the game thread is authored by @Bulletproof we inexplicably win with scores not seen in 40 years..

Some of us are beginning to become weary of this power, fearing possible glitches we may be causing in the space/time continuum.
Perhaps the most astonishing development; each time the game thread is authored by @Bulletproof we inexplicably win with scores not seen in 40 years..

Some of us are beginning to become weary of this power, fearing possible glitches we may be causing in the space/time continuum.

I feel stuck. I don't want the team to lose but I'd like to take a game thread off sometime in the next month or so. Haha
Rough transition period
Mitchell starts to emerge
Gobert goes down
Mitchell fully emerges and Jazz hit a win streak
December and January **** us up as defense falters without Rudy
Gobert returns
Hood goes down as trade rumors circulate
Rubio figures out offense w/ Gobert, leads to explosion in efficiency for entire offense.
Royce O'Neale emerges as impact rotation player
6 game win streak