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God damn people

whoa, whoa, whoa - - Thriller, either I'm misunderstanding your post, or you're misunderstanding the article that kennykyle posted - - or you have information I haven't heard yet...

not saying by any means that the mom of the Newtown shooter should or should not have introduced her sons to guns, but everything I've read about this kid is that he was shy and withdrawn but nothing about any sort of violent tendencies or outbursts of rage from him - - the story kk posted is about someone else entirely...

also, I know there's been a lot of talk about mental illness in connection with this - - I'm not really sure that autism or Asberger's falls into the category of mental illness - - not sure about ADHD either. Are those with ADHD considered mentally ill? What about dyslexia? Some things are just learning disabilities, but I'm not sure they would fall into the category of mental illness.

I've read and heard that this kid had A LOT of mental issues. A lot.

Not just one of those difficulties like Aspergers or Dyslexia.

Check it out:


Newtown High School Head of Security Richard Novia told the Associated Press that when Adam Lanza was a student, he was not only emotionally withdrawn, but also appeared not to experience physical pain in the same way as others.Richard Novia, the school district's head of security until 2008, who also served as adviser for the school technology club, said Lanza clearly "had some disabilities.""If that boy would've burned himself, he would not have known it or felt it physically," Novia told The Associated Press in a phone interview. "It was my job to pay close attention to that."

It was popular among socially awkward students. But Adam, while clearly smart, had problems that went beyond an adolescent lack of social skills, Novia said.



Mass murderer Adam Lanza, 20, was a ticking time bomb, people who knew him told the Daily News.

“This was a deeply disturbed kid,” a family insider told the Daily News. “He certainly had major issues. He was subject to outbursts from what I recall.”

Lanza, who friends and officials said suffered from Asperger’s syndrome or a personality disorder, had a tortured mind.

He was socially awkward and at times unstable, but also extraordinarily bright.

A “longtime” family friend said Lanza had a condition “where he couldn’t feel pain.”

“A few years ago when he was on the baseball team, everyone had to be careful that he didn’t fall because he could get hurt and not feel it,” said the friend. “Adam had a lot of mental problems.”

“My daughter went to school w/adam lanza,” a former neighbor who identified herself as Beth Israel wrote on Twitter. “We lived 6 houses away. He was troubled for sure for a long time. RIP nancy.”

A kid with the issues he had should never have been introduced to guns.