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Gordon Hayward leads the entire NBA in...

It's a killer stat. Hayward sometimes looked like his heart would pop out, trying so hard. Now that Trey is back, he looks more comfortable in his role.
I truly believe the only reaso. gordon's shot was struggling was because of his legs. He had that bruised right knee, and shin splints for those games that he was struggling, and if he is running more thanevery other player intheleague, having his legs toshoot is/was too much. I am glad Trey is learning the ropes and can help to alleviate some of the burden.
So.. Hayward and Parks lead the ENTIRE league???

I actually think this is a bad stat for the Jazz.
It's not efficient to run so much to get our mediocre of an offense going. Not to mention that all this running is probably why his legs arent underneath him when he shoots, especially at the 4th quarter.
the new stats on NBA.com are awesome. My only criticism is that they report players average speed in mph to one decimal place. The game is a game of inches and fractions of seconds so mph reveals absolutely nothing.

In other news my sarcastic quip for the thread:

Hayward leads the entire NBA in..... REGRET.
Should've signed that contract, pushed for a trade afterwards.

Sarcastic quip #2: Finally Hayward bested Paul George and Chandler Parsons at something.
I truly believe the only reaso. gordon's shot was struggling was because of his legs. He had that bruised right knee, and shin splints for those games that he was struggling, and if he is running more thanevery other player intheleague, having his legs toshoot is/was too much. I am glad Trey is learning the ropes and can help to alleviate some of the burden.

Makes sense... I guess.
Also, we can always see those two wingmen stealing the ball or sprinting to score after a steal of their teammates. I bet this has major effect on that statline.

If Kanter heals and keeps running Malone style, he will compete for that spot.
What made you think to look that up?

Because he can. Great job karpasov. We Americans sometimes don't keep up on our own innovations. Stats can lie like a dog though, as franklin pointed out the Jazz are about top of the league in games played. In this case just slightly. Haywards per/48 number is 3.4 While Parsons, Batum, Rubio and Henderson all average 3.5 miles/48 minutes.