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Harpring to join Jazz broadcast team.

I'm so excited for this. It's buckle up time and I'm gonna use em if I got em! It would be nice for Boone to take over Locke's job. I mean don't get me wrong. I love hearing, "OOHHHHHHH! Kirilenko throws down a two handed hunk of love!" Seriously, what the hell is that all about? He's been a radio guy for how long and he comes up with that?
Harpring blows Boone away on the mike. Take your homer ear muffs off.

I guess some of you feel bad for Boone because he is a nice guy.
Too bad he's not very good at his job. The guy stumbles through almost every sentence.
He just isn't that smooth behind the mic. Harpring on the other hand sounds great, and actually
has good insight into today's game.

Welcome on board Matt. Here's to hoping you force Boone to radio full time.
I think they should look to bring back Carlos Boozer for the 21 games Harpring won't broadcast. You know Carlos will be out for a lot of games with a sore tore or bruised ego. He's had some experience already. I still remember a couple of years ago that girlish, "wooooo, wooooo" squeal into the mic after an exciting play. I think Boler inched his chair a few feet to the left after that one.
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Boone on the mike isn't as good as Harpring on the mike, if I had a mike, I would be on the mike all day...my mouth would be right up against the mike so you could hear every word I said into the mike. I think I'll go to Best Buy today and buy a mike, hopefully from a guy named mic. that would be perfect to get a mike from mic.

Wait what... I blacked out... what happened?
Man I loved when Harpring was part of it last year. Boone just got overtalked and Harp has a great feel for the Jazz and I like his insight and how well he knows all the players and doesnt mind callingthem out. Go Harpring!!!
Very odd reason to not watch the Jazz.

At the end of the day I will probably still get it, but I really do not have any interest in listening to Harpring talk. I found him extremely boring and repetitive. With them getting 17 national cable broadcasts, I was already slightly wondering if I should opt for League Pass. This makes me wonder more. I am too much of a fan for me to probably end up deciding not to get it, but I am highly unhappy with this!
Man im extremely happy about this Boone was always over powered by the other comentators and I thought harpring did a great job last year
At the end of the day I will probably still get it, but I really do not have any interest in listening to Harpring talk. I found him extremely boring and repetitive. With them getting 17 national cable broadcasts, I was already slightly wondering if I should opt for League Pass. This makes me wonder more. I am too much of a fan for me to probably end up deciding not to get it, but I am highly unhappy with this!

You're going to complain about Harpring (or Boone) - or even Boler for that matter? In comparison to the other broadcast teams around the league, I'd have to put the Jazz up there in the Top-5. Some teams' broadcasters are absolutely horrible. For some unknown reason, it seems like 70% of the Jazz games on LP carry the opposing teams' feeds, whether it's a home or away game for Utah. And there are a few times I've just had to turn off the sound.

I was thinking about giving up LP this season, and probably would have if the FO brought back Boozer with no other changes to improve the team. But I am as excited as can be to see Big Al, Raja and Flash. 13 guys, all motivated and happy to be in Utah. Well, maybe Fes will be his usual goofy self. But I think the intensity & effort level amongst the other 12 is going to be unbelievable.
I have to agree with the last two posts. We as Jazz fans have been spoiled rotten to the point where we bemoan our broadcast staff when in reality they are amongst the best. If for no other reason they are not paid homers. The Jazz stink it up, they all call it like it is. You could replace Houston's play announcers with Rockette dancers and would have just as scintillating commentary along with the blatant cheerleading and homerism.
From Hot Rod + Boone to Boler + Harp

You'd think the damn team was in Utah or something. Completely ****ing vanilla.

I demand diversity (and intellectual honesty)!
This just sealed my decision to continue not subscribing to Fox Sports Rocky Mountain.


Now the NBATV guys are atrocious, so it's hard to gauge, but I think Harp is awful and going to be terrible alongside Homerjack.

Get ready for this type of insight:

"Jerry needs great players on this team."
"I think he'll be OK."
"Deron's one of the future bright talents of this league."
"How the Jazz go is how Deron's going to go."
"I think [Jerry's] going to focus on defense. I think he knows that defense wins championships."

PS: Thank god Boozer, Korver, and Brewer are gone.
So because other teams have announcers that don't know **** from shinola means we can't demand decent production and announcing from our team?

Bolerjack is fine. Some things I don't like, but overall, not bad. Harpring is very passionate about the game from what I've heard on the color. He'll be fine. He's been quoted as saying he doesn't like the studio work and would much rather do the color.