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Hayward Off-Season Workout Vid w/ Bob McRoberts

I don't see why we have to put a "Jordan costume" on anyone on our team, if they play the way they have been, (as a team) then they'll be multiple characters all in one mindset with a purpose of unifying our destiny.
Don't you think every starting position on our roster has a bit of leadership to them?
Not surprising. Most of them put in their work at P3 and getting together during the summer league period while Hayward was doing the paternity thing. I'm sure those who weren't preparing for FIBA games were taking some time off for vacation before training camp begins.

I don't have a problem with this. I just wish in mid-April, Hayward told the guys Tak to your loved ones because I'd love all of us, ALL of us to get together for 2-3 weeks to workout and practice together. Let's reconvene in two days and find dates that work.

No biggie. But I think team building **** like this can be huge.
I don't think so. A tight crossover is always better. The distance traveled by the ball is shorter, making the crossover quicker, regardless of whether you're a slow or quick player. Also, width of crossover is not related to creating movement, as that is accomplished by your legs and your hips, and not with the ball. Have you not seen Curry break ankles and send his man to the floor with his crosses? Tight crosses also allows you to more efficiently transfer your momentum forward, instead of having to drag the ball from 4 feet away.

Here's a bunch of players discussing it.


You just supported a wide crossover with that video. You realize that, right?
Gordon is the reason coaches want to coach. A player with extremely high basketball IQ who keeps developing his body and skills to match.

I used to think he has a ceiling, but I doubt that he has one now. I can see him play positions 1-4 at an all-star level in the near future if he keeps the same development rate.
His season upon season progression feels very similar to watching Malone's career develop. Remember, he came into the league younger than Malone, so he had some catching up to do. He's followed a very impressive arc, and the good news is that he has a much more complete team developing around him than Malone did.