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He won't score 25 points in a game in this entire career.


That's what some of the know-it-all-blowhards on this board said about Deron when he was drafted. They said he would be nuthin more than a journeyman point guard and lucky to average 5 assists a game, too.

Where they at now, I wonder?

Deron is now 13th in the league in scorin (21.6, which just went up a little) AND 10 assists/game.

I still see a crapload of "he will never" posts about Jazz players on a regular basis round this here joint. And they often seem to be taken by others as a legitimate statement of fact. Go figure, eh?
That's what some of the know-it-all-blowhards on this board said about Deron when he was drafted.

name two people who said that, please.

They said he would be nuthin more than a journeyman point guard and lucky to average 5 assists a game, too.

quote? source?

Where they at now, I wonder?

possibly they're busy being figments your imagination.

I still see a crapload of "he will never" posts about Jazz players on a regular basis round this here joint. And they often seem to be taken by others as a legitimate statement of fact. Go figure, eh?

for example?
Kewl! A brand new packa puppy dawgs who follows me round from thread to thread and trys to nip at my ankles after every post, eh!?
I also would like Hopper to name names on who said that about Deron.

I know I am positively bullet proof on this issue. So fire away.
I also would like Hopper to name names on who said that about Deron.

I know I am positively bullet proof on this issue. So fire away.

It's been five damn years and they aint no record. If you were round Kicky, then ya should autta knowz without me tellin ya to begin wit. Could well have been Pearl and some of his sidekicks, but I caint recalls for sure. There were great howls, all around, when I said Deron would have games where he scored 25 or more.

In a different thread, I do recall Pearl sayin the Jazz were in big trouble if Deron took more than 12 shots a game.

Aint nobuddy even read nunna the Hayward threads round this here joint. A total bust, garonteed, if ya ax summa these posters. You hide and watch--Hayward will be a valuable part of Jazz's future, if he stays.
In other words, you can't recall anyone who actually made that argument.

FWIW: The main criticism I recall the pearl having of Deron in his rookie season was, for a variety of reasons, that he had a little too much Marbury in him.

Now we all know that Marbury was a prolific scorer and his failings were elsewhere so I don't think that translates into the Pearl saying Deron would never score 25 points in a game.

And yes, I've been here for more time than Deron has. It's possible someone said that hyperbolically but to act like there was a large swell of people who were seriously advocating that Deron would never, ever, score 25 points per game is counter to my memory and probably reality.

Deron scored 25+ points for the first time on March 17, 2006. So the window for this statement logically has to fall somewhere between draft day 2005 and then. However, I think the real window is actually narrower than that because Deron scored 24 on November 25, 2005 and it is exceedingly difficult for me to believe that a large number of posters were claiming he had achieved his career high in the first month of his rookie season.

The only possible poster that I can think of is the poster that at the time was named Tuff Tiger and is now named The Thriller and that's only because he was militantly anti-Deron at the time of the draft. I don't recall that statement specifically but I might believe it. Even with him there may some issue with timing because I think he missed all of Deron's first two years due to being on a mission.
It applies to every player. Paperboy will NEVER be anything more than a bench player. CJ will never be a player. Fess wil NEVER be an NBA player. And on down the line. There's more fortune-tellers here than there are gypsy wimminz at Mardi Gras. Except even the gypsy wimminz often don't portray themselves as so omniscient and infallible as some blowhards round here, ya know?
whoa people weren't able to correctly map the career trajectory of a professional athlete?? has this ever happened before??
whoa people weren't able to correctly map the career trajectory of a professional athlete?? has this ever happened before??

Thanks for reinforcin my point, there, eh, Git Down?

Anybuddy with sense wouldn't proclaim their ability to "know" what players are gunna do in the future.
That's what some of the know-it-all-blowhards on this board said about Deron when he was drafted. They said he would be nuthin more than a journeyman point guard and lucky to average 5 assists a game, too.

Still waiting for you to name a single person for whom this description applies.
Still waiting for you to name a single person for whom this description applies.

Just keep on waitin there, then, eh, Kicky? Unlike you I do not judge the content of a post on the basis of what I think of the person makin it. I read posts, but I don't memorize who said what, when, so I can keep score of who my "friends" and "enemies" are, like you do.

With a possible exception or two, I can't tell ya who the Fess (insert Boozer, CJ, Memo, Deron, Hayward, whoever) haters are, but I know they're around. I don't take names.
Just keep on waitin there, then, eh, Kicky? Unlike you I do not judge the content of a post on the basis of what I think of the person makin it. I read posts, but I don't memorize who said what, when, so I can keep score of who my "friends" and "enemies" are, like you do.

For the record, doesn't your post about ten posts above this one disprove that?
Just keep on waitin there, then, eh, Kicky? Unlike you I do not judge the content of a post on the basis of what I think of the person makin it. I read posts, but I don't memorize who said what, when, so I can keep score of who my "friends" and "enemies" are, like you do.

So what you're saying is that while you remember the exact claim made you don't remember who said it, when, or in what context.

It's kind of difficult to take your calling out of these phantom posters who may or may not exist seriously.

Now I remember some things being posted about Deron being fat and whatnot. But by and large the frustration his rookie season seemed to be with Sloan for not playing him more. I am stating that I believe your recollection is either absurdly slanted or entirely incorrect. I certainly do not recall anyone making a specific statistcal benchmark claim like the one you are using to start this thread. It appears you do not remember anyone making such a statement either. Doesn't stop you from asserting that it happened.
Believe whatever you want, there, eh, Kicky? As I've said before, even though you don't know it, your "beliefs" do NOT dictate truth and fact.

I will say this: Based on past experience, I can say that your memory is rather poor. Or at least what you represent your "memory" to be.