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Honest Jazz question

l Abach l

Well-Known Member
I don't post much on this website, but I am a die hard jazz fan and have been on my whole life. I'm also a die hard Seattle Seahawks fan. As I painfully watched my team lose to the 49ers last night due to dropped balls and stupid first half mistakes I thought to myself... Will I ever be a fan of a professional sports team that wins it all? As Jazz fans, we were blessed with 20 straight years of making the playoffs and another few good runs with D Will and company. Similar, the seahawks had 5 yrs of playoffs runs without titles. I am just so hungry for a ring in either of the sports. The question - Will the Utah Jazz win a championship in our lifetimes or will we always be hoping and dreaming for one?!?
I don't post much on this website, but I am a die hard jazz fan and have been on my whole life. I'm also a die hard Seattle Seahawks fan. As I painfully watched my team lose to the 49ers last night due to dropped balls and stupid first half mistakes I thought to myself... Will I ever be a fan of a professional sports team that wins it all? As Jazz fans, we were blessed with 20 straight years of making the playoffs and another few good runs with D Will and company. Similar, the seahawks had 5 yrs of playoffs runs without titles. I am just so hungry for a ring in either of the sports. The question - Will the Utah Jazz win a championship in our lifetimes or will we always be hoping and dreaming for one?!?

It's not happening. I decided a couple years ago that my Jazz happiness couldn't be based on us winning a title because of the nature of the NBA. I still hope we win, but it's not going to eat at me like it used to if we don't.

With the parity in the NFL there is a atleast a 400x better chance of the Seahawks wining a Super Bowl than the Jazz winning a title.

Look at it this way, we could trade Roger Braille for Kevin Durant tomorrow and still not be title favorites.
Big market teams like the Lakers, NYK, Miami, and now Brooklyn will always have an advantage, no matter what the new collective bargaining agreement contends, but with the arrival of Dennis Lindsey I think it gives the Jazz a shot to be a strong small market contender like OKC and San Antonio. My hope is that Utah becomes the combination of those two teams, building through the draft like the Thunder and make smart strategic role player pick-ups like the Spurs. Including this season, I think the Jazz are 3 seasons away from being a Top 3 team in the West and having real chances of competing for a title again.
If the question is whether or not we will contend, yes for sure we will. I just don't think we will ever be the very best team in any given season, and in the NBA the very best team almost always wins.

The Jazz contending for titles and keeping the dream alive is enough to keep me excited as a fan.
If the question is whether or not we will contend, yes for sure we will. I just don't think we will ever be the very best team in any given season, and in the NBA the very best team almost always wins.

The Jazz contending for titles and keeping the dream alive is enough to keep me excited as a fan.

And if the stars align and the seas part it will be an amazing experience for us Jazz fans. Maybe it could happen.
It looks like every jazz fan have felt the same things. some have come to peace with "the fact" others just love the feeling of hoping. i think we were there once i think we can get there again. hopfully we will fair better then we did in 98 have some better callings, and less disapointment. Jazz will be there again, we will be a force soon enough. we finally have all the peices now we just need to mature and then we will be the real deal.
And if the stars align and the seas part it will be an amazing experience for us Jazz fans. Maybe it could happen.

Yup yup. I doubt we ever go into the season as title favorites, but we could possibly pull off a fairy tale Title if we contend for a few years.
If a talented young duo or trio grows a great chemistry and game flow within years in a team, they'll likely become a franchise group who will dominate.

That's a quartet for the Jazz. If they grow smth like that in the years to follow, at least two or three of them, it will bring great achievements.
We've got some pretty smart people in the front office, a dedicated ownership that is willing to pay for a contender and a system that works. If we can continue good scouting add some luck I think we do have a chance.
San Antonio is the only reason that gives me hope. If you look at the the past winners its just all the Miami, Boston's and Lakers.

The only chance is either Favors or Kanter takes their position as the most dominant big man in the league. Which would be in about 5-7 years when Dwight Howard starts to decline. Which I think Howard will decline fast since he has no offensive game and can't shoot a free throw. As soon as his athelticism is average he's done. Unless he can Karl Malone it.
No, unless we will have a superstar. From current roster only Favors has a slim chance of becoming one. So unless we draft some in the future it is not happening. I doubt any free agent superstars wil sign with us or any trades bringing one to us will happen.
It's not happening. With the parity in the NFL there is a atleast a 400x better chance of the Seahawks wining a Super Bowl than the Jazz winning a title.

Look at it this way, we could trade Roger Braille for Kevin Durant tomorrow and still not be title favorites.

The only chance is either Favors or Kanter takes their position as the most dominant big man in the league. Which would be in about 5-7 years when Dwight Howard starts to decline. Which I think Howard will decline fast since he has no offensive game and can't shoot a free throw. As soon as his athelticism is average he's done. Unless he can Karl Malone it.

LA just acquired Dwight, Nash and Jamison, they haven't even played a game together yet, and yesterday all the talk was how LAL were going to get LeBra James in 2014. They always get the star. Jazz spend three season rebuilding, and can lose the entire team to free agency. LAL get better players at a discount.

Jazz can play the part of 'dark horse', 'spoiler', up-and -coming suprise team or consistantly good, not great, but it would take a miracle bigger than "The Shot" and two Hall of Famers to win a championship.
Honestly, the uncertainty is what makes being a fan interesting. The Jazz have a chance. Granted, it would be nice if they had as good of a chance as any NFL team, but there is still a chance.
It's not happening. I decided a couple years ago that my Jazz happiness couldn't be based on us winning a title because of the nature of the NBA. I still hope we win, but it's not going to eat at me like it used to if we don't.

With the parity in the NFL there is a atleast a 400x better chance of the Seahawks wining a Super Bowl than the Jazz winning a title.

Look at it this way, we could trade Roger Braille for Kevin Durant tomorrow and still not be title favorites.

There you go.
Yes the Jazz can win a championship once Dick Bavetta retires. I am also a Redsox fan and I had to wait a long time before they won. There were many times when I thought they would never win it but in 2004 they finally won. I was in Boston partying like I was 18 years old. It was a magical moment. All the disappointments vanished. I no longer cringed when they played replays of Buckner allowing the ball to go through his legs or Bucky dent 's "homerun" etc.

Some day the Jazz will do it and that is the main reason why I watch them. I've been a fan since they moved to SLC and no matter where I live I will always be a Jazz fan. I think the Jazz have a great foundation to become an elite team and compete for a championship. Once you get to the top echelon of teams one needs a little luck to close the deal. Remember the Jazz are going to have a lot of cap space next year and two draft picks. So this year the Jazz take the next step to the progress of a championship.
Quick frankly I don't even think about The Jazz winning the championship - if it happens it happens. Utah's had some good runs the last ten years and some crappy ones. In that time they've had some entertaining players to watch - AK was probably the most unique player in the league at one point. DW was probably the best PG at one point. The 2007 run was a hellava fun ride.

Right now, they have 3 players that I'm really exited about watching their maturation - Favors, Kanter and Burks. That's really how I look at it - championships are not really part of the equation at this point..
It's not happening. I decided a couple years ago that my Jazz happiness couldn't be based on us winning a title because of the nature of the NBA. I still hope we win, but it's not going to eat at me like it used to if we don't.

With the parity in the NFL there is a atleast a 400x better chance of the Seahawks wining a Super Bowl than the Jazz winning a title.

Look at it this way, we could trade Roger Braille for Kevin Durant tomorrow and still not be title favorites.

Oh, come on.

Oklahoma is known for Indian casinos, and thats it...