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Honest Jazz question

Quick frankly I don't even think about The Jazz winning the championship - if it happens it happens. Utah's had some good runs the last ten years and some crappy ones. In that time they've had some entertaining players to watch - AK was probably the most unique player in the league at one point. DW was probably the best PG at one point. The 2007 run was a hellava fun ride.

Right now, they have 3 players that I'm really exited about watching their maturation - Favors, Kanter and Burks. That's really how I look at it - championships are not really part of the equation at this point..

That's a good point of view for Jazz fans.
I guess i have a very different perspective. I believe the jazz can win it all and in as little as 4 years, but it will take development of young players, vision of the front office and a bold move. See I like our young guys very much. Favors, Kanter, Hayward and Burks all have star potential. They all seem to be very hard workers and have gotten better every year. Now take everyone and anyone else and get a great young point guard to run a team. I dream of Irving from Cleveland. A trade of Al, Mo, Paul, our pick this year and GS pick this year for Irving and their tall Brazilian dude and trash is my dream. Now before everyone bashes me I know it doesn't work number wise and is a pipe dream, but we all have dreams. My dream is a do everything point guard to be matched with our young guns. Give them two or three years to grow together and I think we are the next OKC.
I think we've got the pieces now. What's so intriguing is our depth. You look at the Lakers and after their 4 (aging) stars, they have NOTHING! We've got GREAT players at every position except point guard, and they're not that bad! I think we can put starter quality talent on the floor for 48 minutes. Pretty cool.
Hi everyone, im long time Jazz fan from San Diego born and raised. I have no family or friends in Utah but i have always loved the team. I go watch them play as much as i can when they face the clippers or lakers (I was at last years jazz lakers game when we won, it was awesome)

Anyway the threadstarters comments about his Seahawks is exactly how ive felt about the San Diego Chargers and the Jazz winning it all. I just know whenever it does happen its gonna be one of the best feelings ever.

With the team The jazz have in place i think it will be sooner then later.
I think we've got the pieces now. What's so intriguing is our depth. You look at the Lakers and after their 4 (aging) stars, they have NOTHING! We've got GREAT players at every position except point guard, and they're not that bad! I think we can put starter quality talent on the floor for 48 minutes. Pretty cool.
Depth is great for the regular season, but once the playoffs roll around, starters can go 40 mins if needed. Problem with the Jazz right now is we have great depth, but no one who is a a great player (yet). Favors has shown nothing in pre-season. Hayward is inconsistent. Millsap and Al may never be all-stars, let alone superstars.

It's tough. Superstars generally have to come through the draft unless you're a big-market team and players DEMAND to play in your city. Utah has been unfortunate to have the 3rd pick in a weak draft. And, I hope I'm wrong, but traded a superstar for a guy who may never amount to more than a stud defender, but a liability on the other end (been there and done that with AK and Eaton). Favors and either Hayward or Burks have to become all-star caliber players if the Jazz are to ever compete for a championship.
Depth is great for the regular season, but once the playoffs roll around, starters can go 40 mins if needed. Problem with the Jazz right now is we have great depth, but no one who is a a great player (yet). Favors has shown nothing in pre-season. Hayward is inconsistent. Millsap and Al may never be all-stars, let alone superstars.

It's tough. Superstars generally have to come through the draft unless you're a big-market team and players DEMAND to play in your city. Utah has been unfortunate to have the 3rd pick in a weak draft. And, I hope I'm wrong, but traded a superstar for a guy who may never amount to more than a stud defender, but a liability on the other end (been there and done that with AK and Eaton). Favors and either Hayward or Burks have to become all-star caliber players if the Jazz are to ever compete for a championship.

There's a good chance Kanter could become an all-star. Probably not a super star though. So there's that.
I think the Jazz has just of good of shot as most other teams out there. There is always going to be the allure of playing for Boston, LA, or NY. They are just the largest markets out there and players want to be "the man" at those places. But SA won a few championships, built a culture and used the draft as well as great FA signings. The Jazz have been competitive for ever. There were a few times the Jazz should have won a championship (Basically they should have been contending for a championship since 94 to 99 that was "our window") It will happen again, Jazz will continue to make good solid trades and build good solid teams. There are players that will come to Utah (for money if not anything else) and if we put a playoff caliber team on the floor then free agents will come.
....well, the Jazz aren't going to win much even this year.....if there starting point guard can't do better than 2-10 from the field with 8 assists and 5 turnovers!!!