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Hoopsworld - 5 free agents due for Huge Raises (Gtime in the list)

Over the last two weeks I've seen several articles claiming that stephenson and deng are worth 7 to 9 million a year. How is hayward worth more? Hayward's shooting is horrible. Hes turned over ball handling to burke. This year he was given every opportunity to show he's the main man and failed horribly. Yet this article thinks he will get 4 years at 50 plus million. Hayward at 10 million a year -ok. Hayward at 13-14 millon-instant regret.
Over the last two weeks I've seen several articles claiming that stephenson and deng are worth 7 to 9 million a year. How is hayward worth more? Hayward's shooting is horrible. Hes turned over ball handling to burke. This year he was given every opportunity to show he's the main man and failed horribly. Yet this article thinks he will get 4 years at 50 plus million. Hayward at 10 million a year -ok. Hayward at 13-14 millon-instant regret.

I agree. I think Hayward is worth 10.

I think what will happen is since he has a high likability factor, some team will think they can work out his shot and give him 10-12.

I've said this before.

He is worth 10/year.

Someone will offer 12 (maybe 13). Jazz need to decide now if they will match.

I no on the match, trade him now.

If yes on the match, hope no higher than 11.

Just a business.
Over the last two weeks I've seen several articles claiming that stephenson and deng are worth 7 to 9 million a year. How is hayward worth more? Hayward's shooting is horrible. Hes turned over ball handling to burke. This year he was given every opportunity to show he's the main man and failed horribly. Yet this article thinks he will get 4 years at 50 plus million. Hayward at 10 million a year -ok. Hayward at 13-14 millon-instant regret.
Hayward at:

$7M/year...a bargain!
$8M/year...just about right.
$9M/year...little too much but still fair
$10M/year...definitely overpaying, this would be the max offered
$11M/year...not worth it at all, just walk away
$12M/year...no way
$13M/year...no ****ing way
$14M/year...go **** yourself G-time.
The only player on this list I'd pay more than $10M/year for is Chandler Parsons. If Hayward demands $50M+/4 years, let him walk, then offer Parsons a heavily front loaded contract offer that Houston would have trouble matching.
I don't want him at all until he shows he can shoot at a decent percentage. He is shooting 39% and he is jacking up outside shots everywhere.

I would rather offer contracts to Parsons or Stephenson than Hayward. He hasn't shown he can be consistent with his shot.
The only player on this list I'd pay more than $10M/year for is Chandler Parsons. If Hayward demands $50M+/4 years, let him walk, then offer Parsons a heavily front loaded contract offer that Houston would have trouble matching.

Does Parsons take a little less though to stay in Houston and on a contender? Probably.
Does Parsons take a little less though to stay in Houston and on a contender? Probably.
Or maybe he'd like the idea of playing an even bigger role on a young up and coming team instead of playing 3rd or 4th fiddle on the Rockets? Who knows.
I like Hay, but **** If he's not overrated. The article says hes done nothing to hurt himself. I don't agree. He's proven to me he's not a 1 or even 2nd option on a playoff team. He's a good 3rd wheel 4th option guy. Again, not to say he's not good, he is. He's just more like Lance, and Deng than some people want to admit. He's not a star.
I hope we dont pay more than 10, 8-9 seems more fair, he's nowhere consistent- Id say Favors at 10 was a steal he's been most consistent of the young guns, even Burks of late is showing more consistently for what is expected of him.
Reality-That said Im sure we or someone will end up over paying
Yes it is absurd to pay Hayward more than Stephenson and Deng!

Stephenson, ok, probably. Given that there's so much pressure applied to Hibert and George, I'm curious to see how well he'd do on a jazz or kings team.

Deng? That guys just as inconsistent, and there's health concerns (see British Olympic team history)
I like Hay, but **** If he's not overrated. The article says hes done nothing to hurt himself. I don't agree. He's proven to me he's not a 1 or even 2nd option on a playoff team. He's a good 3rd wheel 4th option guy. Again, not to say he's not good, he is. He's just more like Lance, and Deng than some people want to admit. He's not a star.

I think Hayward is better than Lance, but not as good as Deng. Honestly surprised that people think Deng will only get 7-9 per. If Hayward could be as good as Deng (at least what Deng was when he was an all star) that would be awesome. The things that I saw better from Deng were shooting percentages and defense. Hayward is at least a plus defender, so if he gets the shooting percentage north of 45%, then he will be a borderline all start like Deng was or is.
Stephenson>Hayward in my opinion. Fun to watch and Indiana's go-to wing defender
The question is if the Jazz can offer either him or Parsons a sweet deal in the first minutes of sign window opening so they could wait for their offer to expire before they can decide if to match Hayward's?
I think a lot of Hayward's strengths get eliminated by his weaknesses. That creates this wide array of how people evaluate him. To me he's max $9M, would be willing though to go high as $10.5M frontloaded as the Jazz don't need capspace the next 4 years if they get Jabari Wiggins...
After that he has to accept a contract to take one for the team or he has his value clearly set. I think he might stagnate early.
Anything over 10 would be a mistake. We can live with 10 even though I prefer less. If you're the front office and think a huge offer is on the horizon for him, trade him.