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Hornets At Jazz: 3/16/15 7 PM Mountain Time


First BF League CHAMP
The Jazz are playing the Hornets, mods. The Hornets

He hurt his calf recently, but.....


is expected to play.

Good luck going against



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I've determined that I want OKC to make the playoffs and have to trade their pick this year so Utah can have their pick in 2017. They will have to pass 1-2 teams in the east as far as record to get their pick after 18 (where they are sitting currently I believe) and Wash is just ahead of them. This win could help in that regard. Plus its fun watching the Jazz dominate. GO JAZZ.
I think this game thread will work. I'm confident the league can switch the Monday and Wednesday games to accommodate the OP.
Go Jazz!!! Time to get a win agaisnt one of the last remaining playoff teams we have not beaten.
So like uh who are we really playing and stuff?