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Hot Rod Phrases


Well-Known Member
In honor of one of the greatest, post your favorite "hot rod" phrases in this thread. I think it deserves its own thread. I'll start with an obvious one.

"With a gentle push and a mild arc, the cowhide globe hits home."
hammer dunk
leapin' leaner
yo-yo dribble
in yo face mama

I remember Hot Rod saying these. Not sure if he borrowed them or not. Maybe some Chick-isms.
For me it will always be "a gentle push, a mild arc, the cowhide globe hits home"
A couple more I remember...

hippity-hop dribble
jack-knife lay-up

And yeah, "With a gentle push and a mild arc, the cowhide globe hits home."
My favorite was the way he started the broadcasts with "you're lookin live on a Saturday night" or whatever night it was. The guy is a legend.