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House of Cards: Season 3 *Spoilers*

Loved the 3rd episode - that guy that plays the Russian Prime Minister is really good, really convincing, where did they find this guy????
I was profoundly disappointed in season 3. The writing is substantially worse, and less smart, than it was in the first two seasons. The only reason I can think of for changing the basic nature of Frank Underwood, his marriage, his political savvy, is to intentionally frustrate the audience.

Remember when Frank Underwood was smart?

Remember when Frank Underwood was bisexual?

Remember when Frank Underwood and his wife stayed up all night plotting the deaths of their enemies?

That's all gone. Frank Underwood is now gay. Frank Underwood is now stupid. Claire is no longer evil. Season 3 spends *hours* asking the audience to feel sorry for Doug Stamper. I have no emotional investment in Doug Stamper.

I am really amazed at how badly they screwed this up.

Have just finished Season 3... and as much as it pains me to say this, I tend to agree..... production value and the acting are all on par, but the writing is really unbelievably bad, the plot twists were too unbelievable and Frank Underwood being so stupid as to alienate everyone and anyone on the show was just too much for me to take to be honest.

I really hope they take on board viewers feedback before embarking on Season 4 ... (and yes I do hope there is a Season 4).