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How has the virus affected you directly?


Well-Known Member
My wife has her own business doing flowers for weddings. She was pretty much booked out for 2020. She has already had 4 cancellations, at a loss of about 4k. I do some consulting on the side, mainly for startups, and have had 2 suspend my consulting services until further notice. A loss of likely $10,000 at minimum.

This is all in the last 2 days. My real job is pretty safe, knock on wood, but this has really taken a crap on our secondary income.

I definitely feel bad for those workers in the entertainment and food industries that were all pretty much laid off over night.
Got sent home from the World Baseball Classic in Tuscon two weeks early. My summer Yellowstone tour bus driving season isn't officially cancelled, but that ball could drop any day.
Tourism will take a long time to recover. Not sure where I go from here.
I’m in the entertainment industry. Since I’m in the most unremarkable middle point in this vast sea of Funny Money, I don’t yet have a good sense of when and how severely this will hit me, financially speaking.

Right now, my company is almost at a full stop until some events on April 8th that have yet to be cancelled. We expect them to be cancelled, of course. The next wave of events is April 14th. We also expect these to be cancelled. That’s as far out as the normal scheduling process had reached before the national emergency hit—and now there’s no movement on anything beyond that date. Radio silence... There’s not even an institutional logic that our clients can share with us so that we can prepare ourselves.

Contractors like us cannot carry around a large cash reserve (for things like this—or for anything, really) for a variety of intractable reasons. Basically, the film production companies are designed to keep us on the edge of solvency (... it’s a long story). If the government doesn’t work to shore up private contracting companies of our ilk (and I’m not saying they SHOULD), then many of us will go out of business in very short order. My company has already furloughed people. Layoffs will happen ****ing soon.
On a bit more of a personal note, I have a pet that just started cancer treatment. I’ve had to wonder about whether she’ll be able to continue to receive treatments, and about the risks my wife and I are taking if/when we are able to take her in for treatments. This has added a very uncomfortable layer to all the other considerations.
I'm working from home on both jobs. Day job mostly unaffected otherwise, I'll be giving fewer tests on the night job from losing a week of class time.
I've had two business trips canceled and a buyer backed out of the sale of my house which has essentially cost me just under 10 (I lost $600 for an appraisal on the house I had a contingency offer, lost the house, and the builder raised their prices for the same house by 8k.)

The last two months I've learned just when you think it can't get any worse, just know it can.
As a self employed electrician, I’m in the “I don’t know, yet” stage. Everything that I’ve had in my schedule is still happening, as of now. But those are all small things, and not a ton of them. Not enough to keep my doors open. We’ll see what happens with the big projects I’ve been hearing about but aren’t official yet.
I’m worried about availability of supplies. My suppliers have been saying for weeks that we’re going to run out of things because the factories are in China. Anything here already will be sold. Anything en route before the **** hit the fan will be sold. But then it will be four months AFTER factories come back online before we can start getting things like LED lights.

Sent from my iPhone using JazzFanz mobile app
As a self employed electrician, I’m in the “I don’t know, yet” stage. Everything that I’ve had in my schedule is still happening, as of now. But those are all small things, and not a ton of them. Not enough to keep my doors open. We’ll see what happens with the big projects I’ve been hearing about but aren’t official yet.
I’m worried about availability of supplies. My suppliers have been saying for weeks that we’re going to run out of things because the factories are in China. Anything here already will be sold. Anything en route before the **** hit the fan will be sold. But then it will be four months AFTER factories come back online before we can start getting things like LED lights.

Sent from my iPhone using JazzFanz mobile app
I'm a manager at a major hardware store and we just got off a conference call. Luckily for us and all our many patrons we plan on staying open. As far as supplies we aren't having any issues outside of the hording items like tp(more expected next week), dust mask, and hand sanitizers. With so many people struggling, it's an honor to do whatever we can to help these smaller blue collar businesses afloat.

Speaking of mask, it's crazy how amazingly fast everyone bought them all out yet I don't see more than one or two people wearing them.
My wife's store (a local Macy's) just announced it was closing until April 1. My wife will be paid 28 hours/week in that time, so not a major loss.
As a self employed electrician, I’m in the “I don’t know, yet” stage. Everything that I’ve had in my schedule is still happening, as of now. But those are all small things, and not a ton of them. Not enough to keep my doors open. We’ll see what happens with the big projects I’ve been hearing about but aren’t official yet.
I’m worried about availability of supplies. My suppliers have been saying for weeks that we’re going to run out of things because the factories are in China. Anything here already will be sold. Anything en route before the **** hit the fan will be sold. But then it will be four months AFTER factories come back online before we can start getting things like LED lights.

Sent from my iPhone using JazzFanz mobile app
What area do you cover? I had forgotten you do electric and I remember a couple people here have used you. I'll be finishing a room in my basement at some point (who the hell knows right now) but was planning to start framing soon.
I’m in the entertainment industry. Since I’m in the most unremarkable middle point in this vast sea of Funny Money, I don’t yet have a good sense of when and how severely this will hit me, financially speaking.

Right now, my company is almost at a full stop until some events on April 8th that have yet to be cancelled. We expect them to be cancelled, of course. The next wave of events is April 14th. We also expect these to be cancelled. That’s as far out as the normal scheduling process had reached before the national emergency hit—and now there’s no movement on anything beyond that date. Radio silence... There’s not even an institutional logic that our clients can share with us so that we can prepare ourselves.

Contractors like us cannot carry around a large cash reserve (for things like this—or for anything, really) for a variety of intractable reasons. Basically, the film production companies are designed to keep us on the edge of solvency (... it’s a long story). If the government doesn’t work to shore up private contracting companies of our ilk (and I’m not saying they SHOULD), then many of us will go out of business in very short order. My company has already furloughed people. Layoffs will happen ****ing soon.
So making new porn is on hold. Got it.
Other than the shelter-in-place order here in SF, it hasn't affected me greatly. Very fortunate thus far.

Can't say the same for my brokerage account, though.
On a bit more of a personal note, I have a pet that just started cancer treatment. I’ve had to wonder about whether she’ll be able to continue to receive treatments, and about the risks my wife and I are taking if/when we are able to take her in for treatments. This has added a very uncomfortable layer to all the other considerations.
Sorry bro... that’s terrible! Sending good vibes your way!