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I feel awful for hayward....that leg break...

Look, I feel bad that Hayward got done like that, but let’s not go as far as to call him “class act” and “stand-up guy”. A class act calls Gail Miller. A stand-up guy calls Quinn and Lindsay and levels with the Jazz once his decision got leaked. He seems like a good person but he certainly doesn’t have the stones necessary to be considered a stand-up guy. He’s proven that.

You can say **** Hayward and still feel bad. That wasn't a rolled ankle, **** was brutal.
Hayward being an awkward dude is what makes you dislike him?

I think we mistake his awkward social skills for being phony.

No. He is phony because he says one thing and does another. I dont trust anything that comes out of his mouth.

Why did he need to do this anyway? Ill tell you, because he didnt want to be left out, didnt want Boston fans to forget about him. Its always all about him.
No. He is phony because he says one thing and does another. I dont trust anything that comes out of his mouth.

Why did he need to do this anyway? Ill tell you, because he didnt want to be left out, didnt want Boston fans to forget about him. Its always all about him.

i agree He's a complete fake. All he ever says is scripted neutral insincere tripe. I'm really glad it looks like he's gonna have a full recovery, now after 2 days of feeling sorry for him i am happy to going back to thinking he's a douche.

He'll now get all the attention he ever wanted, dickhead. If he was here i think he would've had a chance to average 26-27 pts with Rubio.
i agree He's a complete fake. All he ever says is scripted neutral insincere tripe. I'm really glad it looks like he's gonna have a full recovery, now after 2 days of feeling sorry for him i am happy to going back to thinking he's a douche.

He'll now get all the attention he ever wanted, dickhead. If he was here i think he would've had a chance to average 26-27 pts with Rubio.

He isn't about being the best he can be, he is about taking the easy way out. That is totally his prerogative. Just like KD.
All reports are that his injury is less serious than something like a blown acl. People are just getting emotional because it looked like a brutal injury. Honestly though, considering the reactions many fans had after Dante blew his acl, a lot of people are being pretty hypocritical here. Haywood is going to be fine, and it's kind of pathetic how little concern some fans have had for Jazz players, but want to throw a fit because not everyone is upset for Gordon Haywad.

They'll get over it once he's healed and playing again, especially when they suddenly remember what a dick he was on his way out.

At the time it looked to be a career threatening injury. We really didn't know for sure until they announced after surgery that it was actually a clean break. I don't think people need to be upset, but if you watched it live and didn't feel sympathy for Gordon then I think you have a problem. Not saying that anyone did that in particular. I do agree that the shock value of seeing the disfigurement adds to the emotional response, though. With an ACL it often isn't nearly as gruesome. I think that also it being Gordon's first game after a long time as a Jazz player made it weird. If he had been a celtic for a couple years and then had this injury I think people would have reacted differently. Him as a celtic still hasn't become normal yet for many people.
don't think people need to be upset, but if you watched it live and didn't feel sympathy for Gordon then I think you have a problem.

He knew what he signed up for.

You can say **** Hayward and still feel bad. That wasn't a rolled ankle, **** was brutal.
This sums it up for me.
I feel bad for him, but **** haywood.
Sorry, never felt bad for him. And I don't feel the least built guilty. Give me $130m and tell me to feel sorry and I can probably come up with that emotion.
No. He is phony because he says one thing and does another. I dont trust anything that comes out of his mouth.

Why did he need to do this anyway? Ill tell you, because he didnt want to be left out, didnt want Boston fans to forget about him. Its always all about him.

Yep. I really sounded self-serving to me the way he gushed over playing for the Celtics and about his teammates
Yeah, he's got 5 minutes with each and yet feels such a bond!
You can say **** Hayward and still feel bad. That wasn't a rolled ankle, **** was brutal.

I tend to feel more sympathy for a US soldier who comes home without his legs that were blown off by a bomb.
I even feel more sympathy for the hiker who cut his own arm off and hiked out. That guy had balls.
No. He is phony because he says one thing and does another. I dont trust anything that comes out of his mouth.

Why did he need to do this anyway? Ill tell you, because he didnt want to be left out, didnt want Boston fans to forget about him. Its always all about him.

Very good point. That video greeting definitely had a weird vibe to it.